Feminism In The Wrong Lens

in #hive-1768743 months ago

In Ghana, we normally say “if you educate a man, you educate one person but if you educate a woman you educate the whole nation”. I asked a friend of mine if she knew the meaning of that phrase and she said it means “a woman will go school and then finish school and then give birth and then send her child to school and then…I just gave her a criminal offensive side eye because all that she was saying was over the bar.

People don’t even get the whole point of feminism, they just like the idea of it. I mean we are talking about standing up for women in society not saying that women should act tough as men. It’s not about women should stop cooking or women should not take up their feminine responsibilities. The whole point of this is that we should have fair and equal share as men. A female engineer shouldn’t be paid lesser than a male engineer. A female doctor shouldn’t be paid lesser than a male doctor. Girls shouldn’t be limited in the kitchen, and stuff like that.

It has nothing to do with what most people think about. A lot of people come up with so many arguments about how what a man can do, a woman can do better. When you go closer to hear what their argument is all about, it’s just funny. Some women even go as far as saying they will never get married and they don’t need any man because whatever a man can do, she can equally do it for herself but then after a while they end up looking for a sperm donor. People just interpret things very differently when it comes to feminism or women empowerment.

People are so into the whole feminism thing wrongly that they even find being offered help by a man offensive. A man offers to help them carry something very heavy and they go like “oh you think I can’t carry it because I’m a woman?”, but you really can’t carry it and that’s because naturally, your strength is not enough as compared to his.
This wasn’t created by science or anything. God in His own infinite wisdom created men to protect us.

So for those that don’t even get the whole feminism thing and think it’s solely for women to be in charge and be the protectors and providers and so on, I’m sorry to say I left that chat. You can still be empowered and fight for your place in society without leaving your gender roles. You don’t have to be a “tough man” at the end of the day. Being a woman is magical, it’s something beautiful. We should embrace our inner strength than trying to seek outer strength and make ourselves men in the name of feminism.

The whole point is for women to fight for what want. To be heard and given the attention and resources they need. To be empowered to do great stuff without fear. This has nothing to do with the kind of eye we look at feminism with.


This has to be one of the best posts I have read regarding feminism. It's not a competition between the male and female gender like many people assume.

I really do not have a problem with the female gender treated fairly, we are all humans.

Thanks George

Yeah that’s right

What a man can do, let him no. No do pass yourself oo.😂
I don’t get some women at all. All this wahala and you want to suffer on top.

Let him do🤣🤣

There’s quite some wisdom in this post! Great write! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you


I'm a harsh feminist though....

Same punishment for man and women.
An equal rights ass whooper ✨🔥


Why aren’t you at dreemshare?

Guess When it started I wasn't serious enough to even be curious plus I exam everyday so everytime I'll be furious.

Read that aloud 5 times fast.

What’s this🤣

But now the mindset of a nigga has changed.
Decided to spread my wings to accommodate more things leading to other things.

What's dreemshare though?😂

So you don’t even know about the dreemport /gobrunch event?🤣

I've heard about it 😂😂😂

Oh no

You've said it all. I was having similar conversation with an hivers yesterday where she said there's nothing a man can do that a woman can't. But I made it clear that both parties are like team players and we've all got different roles to play.

Neither one is superior to the other because they both have to play their part for the betterment of the team.

When it comes to payment I agree with you that both of them should be paid equally as long as they do the same job and are in the same position.

Oh right?
Great to know you understand my pov

Very well said! I totally agree with you and that feminism has gone down a path that doesnt feel helpful at all. There are all kinds of things that women are better at then men, and things that men tend to be better at that women. I don't want to be a man but my opinion should be just as valued. And yours too! I like how you say that God created men to be protectors of women, that is a really nice sentiment 💚

Yeah, I like your opinion on this very much
Thanks Calendula🧡

Sending you an Ecency vote

Thanks for the support

😂😂 the part of not allowing a man to carry heavy stuffs for them is funny for me, as long as it's heavy for me, i would definitely allow the man.
Thank you for sharing your perspective on feminism. It's actually crucial for everyone to have discussions about what feminism truly means and how it impacts our lives as we women of today.

Exactly, even if it’s not heavy I still won’t carry it though 🤣
It reminds me of the video that talks about what women do by themselves at home vs when their husbands are at home….
Even bottle sef, I won’t be able to open it

😂😂😂 my husband will try sha because he will do things I normally do before we got married


Totally agree dear, Feminism should be about equality, not trying to be men. Women should be paid equally and respected in their roles. It's about balance and mutual respect.

Yeah, exactly that

So bad that in our society females are being treated like weaker genders, they don't get what is due for them, some are subjected to slavery, but am happy that women are setting up for themselves.
