Divide et Impera

in #hive-14844110 days ago


There’s this saying in Zen that your mind should be like water—in the motionless sense, of course—when you’ve mastered your thoughts, actions, emotions, and… reactions. But what happens when our mind is indeed like water, just not in the Zen way?

If you look closely, water is easily disturbed—it vibrates, shifts shape, and even changes color depending on external factors. Most of us in this so-called modern world are just like that. We react too easily, in too many ways, to too many things.

In fact, if you observe the general public, it reacts to almost everything. If I casually mention to someone that it’s raining outside, they’ll have a reaction.

If I say I support candidate X, and they’re rooting for candidate Y, their reaction will likely be even stronger. We seem to have this desperate need to be right, to make every conversation align with our biases. We’re so easy to manipulate.

The so-called elites—the ones behind the puppets we call politicians—know this all too well. They use every trick in the book to keep us locked in an endless war of opinions and reactions. Social media has only made it worse.

Look at how much America has changed since Trump was put into office. Overnight, all the power the so-called LGBT fuckers had seems to have vanished. Just weeks ago, the outrage was coming from regular people who were fed up with their public antics and media dominance. Now, the tables have turned.

These mentally ill individuals are now in the same boat as immigrants who are at risk of being deported from the U.S. The backlash is shifting—now, immigrants are the ones facing bitter reactions, not the citizens who previously suffered from their unchecked behaviors.

We are so easily triggered by everything these days, and it’s all by design. A divided society is easy to control, easy to turn into a flock of sheep.

It’s good to have different opinions and preferences among the masses. But somehow, in today’s world, it’s impossible to do that without triggering outrage and division across the board. And guess what? That, too, was by design.

The ones who masterminded the mess we’re living in today have access to a different kind of knowledge. They don’t waste time eating junk food, binge-watching football games, or spending twelve years stuck in the traditional education system. We could even say they’re a different breed entirely—and it’s painfully obvious.

Meanwhile, we sit here arguing over bullshit on the internet, more divided than ever.

But the war’s not lost yet. That, I’m 100% sure of.

Thanks for your attention,


Social media has only made it worse.

That's the truth. Social media has added to confusion and discord

There's this app even called discord 😁