Good Reasons For Lying

in #hive-1538503 months ago

The lie of not having money is inevitable sometimes even when there is money. I believe that it is not just telling a lie but the motives behind telling a lie.

Well to an extent I believe that all lie is a sin. When you lie it is bad but later on after having a second thought about the whole thing I decided to think twice and change what I believe in before now. Hahaha 😂. Does that sound somehow selfish? No. I don't think so. Is all about growth. Growth brings about changes in behavior. When one grows it helps to see things clearer and some norms will change definitely.

When I was younger I just believing in saying it the way it is even when it will hurt other people. I don't really care. That was because I was still coming up. But now things have changed. People's fellings are considered now. I make sure that I don't hurt people unnecessarily. In those days I had lots of enemies. Even as a church lady I cared less and many people faulted the way and manner in which I deal with people.

I continued like that until I started seeing things the way it should be. Sometimes I will just have a little money to solve a particular problem and someone comes to ask of that money from me to be returned in days or weeks. Because I don't want to lie that I don't have money I will carry the money and give out. Waiting for more than three months and that money will not be returned. This continued for years. I had many enemies that I never planned. Most of the people that came to collect money were not willing to pay back and I gave them because I trusted in them. So, in most situation when I become tired of asking for the money I will just pay it. I thought to myself something need to change.

As time goes on I decided that I will not lie but I can't also tell the truth as is it. Because I need to be faithful too in handling public money. What makes it even bad was that at a time I was the treasurer of the women group. I always had money with me and because of that some come to collect. I decided to say no I DON'T HAVE MONEY. It looks like a lie but then I had no choice than to say it that way. In a way I lie because the money is with me. In another way I did not lie because the money with me belongs to others who trusted me and gave me to keep for them until when it will be needed. Even if it is seeing as a lie then it is a good lie. In fact a very good one because it has saved me from debt. Since I started it that way I became free. No more enemies because of borrowing. No money enemies because they did not keep to their promise and I don't also have to pay the money that I didn't spend.

I'm conclusion, the lie that one told to save a situation is not seen as a lie to me because it was for a good reason. I know that all lie is lie but some are for good reason.

This is my response to the hive learners community contest for week 120, edition 2. * The Good Lie*

The images used here belongs to me.


I think the same as you. Even though I have money, I avoid lending it as much as possible so that I don't end up in a bad situation if the person doesn't pay me back and I have to collect the debt. I also prefer to say that I don't have any


most times i lie of not having money when i don't have enough to give out. looking at the way the economic is shaking one need to be on guide

Hmm I don't know how to start dropping my input on this subject. Its complicated on this ministry of lie affairs hahahaha. Humanly speaking it's only God that would help us because there's way that seems right to us but it's end is bad. A lie to save is...toh thanks for sharing

I think some lies should be tagged as smart lies just because it's for a greater good. Honesty has been abused in the world today and people will take advantage of you especially with money if you don't lie once in a while.

When we lie when we say we have no money, it is because we prefer to save our economic resources for other things that we consider more important or a priority. We prefer to allocate that money to pay bills, save for an unforeseen future or simply save it for something we really want.

In addition, the fear that those around us will take advantage of our generosity can also be a determining factor in lying about our financial situation. If we believe that lending money to someone could set a precedent and result in more requests in the future, we are likely to choose to say we have no money to avoid uncomfortable commitments, or even non-payment.

Keep up the good work. 👏

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