Hive Fest Day 3 - Conference Day in Diocletian’s Palace with King / 宮殿で王様とカンファレンスデー

in #hive-10625820 days ago

I woke up really early today because of the sound of the storm, and since breakfast at the hotel hadn’t started yet, I decided to begin writing my Day 3 impressions.

Same as Day 2, Day 3 was another conference day, and this time the venue was Diocletian’s Palace. The schedule even mentioned a “King’s Speech” at the start—and yes, a king showed up! He had his entourage with him too. The Hive Fest team really knows how to put on a show 👏

I didn’t want to miss the King’s Speech, so I had breakfast quickly and rushed to the Diocletian’s Palace. The area around the palace is full of narrow streets, and the palace itself is huge, so I got a bit lost. Luckily, I ran into arcange, and he showed me the way, so I made it just in time!

There was the Hive Rallye Car parked in front of the palace—so cool! I don't want to use "cool" so often but it was cool. I couldn’t help but smile at the words “No Gas” on it.

The talks were fantastic. @yabapmatt, @arcange, and @crimsonclad gave an entertaining, encouraging and informative talk, explaining Hive’s strengths both technically and from a community perspective. A must-watch!

After @missbitcoin-sv's talk the day before, I had the chance to chat with @mcsamm (Samm), so I was really looking forward to the premiere of the documentary “Water Direct“, which Samm and @mynewlife (Raf) worked on. The film shot by Raf shows how Samm uses the Decentralized Hive Fund (DHF) to build clean water facilities in Ghana, while also promoting crypto education. It’s a project that could change the way people view crypto. Crypto is not only about scam but also it can be used for good causes.

The happy faces of the people in Ghana and their community gave me energy. By chance, I had brought along the skirt I made of fabric from Ghana, so I wore it on Day 3 to be ready for the screening 😊

The live stream was turned off during the screening, but the documentary is being submitted to film festivals. If there’s a screening near you, don’t miss it! I really hope it gets shown in Japan— they should apply to festivals in Japan too. It would be amazing if it came to my city Leipzig too.

Day 3 ended with our beloved “Beer Saturday” 🍻 🇩🇪 @detlev gave a talk, and the room was lively. His message about “starting something around what interests you” left a big impression on me. It’s true—we just have to get started. At the end of his talk, he introduced beers from MetaBrew, a crypto brewery he recently got to know at an event. What a perfect way to wrap up the day!

@ninaeatshere and I swapped cans, so I got to try both the black and white flavors 😊 Thanks, Nina!

And of course, I can’t forget to mention the food. The catering was by the same team as Day 2, and the menu was quite similar. It was perfect Croatian finger food. The Japanese-speaking staff from Day 2 was there again, and I was happy to hear that he loved the Furoshiki I brought him.

@livinguktaiwan brought figs from her Airbnb host, and they were incredibly delicious! I couldn’t resist snacking on two or three of them. Meeting her in person after so many online interactions was another highlight of Hive Fest for me.

Since it looked like it might rain, I wanted to take one last swim in the hotel pool, so after the talks, I walked back to my hotel, enjoying what may have been the last bit of sunshine during my stay ... but it wasn't. It's sunny again today 😁

That was Hive Fest Day 3! I’ve been reflecting on how lucky I am to have started using the platform in 2016, after a university friend sent me a Japanese article from Reuters about Stxxm. I started using it without thinking too much, but it’s led to meeting so many wonderful people from all over the world, and to experiences like Hive Fest. How lucky I am 😊

Three more days to enjoy Hive Fest and my stay in Split!


早朝の暴風雨で起きてしまい、ホテルの朝ご飯の時間までまだ間があるので、Day 3のレポートを書き始めました。

Day 2に続いてDay 3もカンファレンスデーで、Day 3の会場はディオクレティアヌス宮殿。しかもスケジュールには冒頭に王様のスピーチがあると書いてあって、本当に王様が来ました。家来の方も一緒です。Hive Festチームの企画力と演出すごいです 😁


会場の前にはHiveラリーカーがとまっていてかっこよかったです。「No Gas」という文字のユーモアのセンスにニヤリ。

Day 2同様、どのトークもとてもよかった中で、@yabapmatt さん、@arcange さん、@crimsonclad さんのトークは、Hiveのよさを技術や性能面、人とのつながりやコミュニティの面からエンターテイニングに説明していて必聴です。

前日@missbitcoin-svさんのトークのあとに @mcsamm(Samm)さんとお話しする機会があったこともあって、Sammさんと @mynewlife(Raf)さんのドキュメンタリー映画「Water Direct」の初上映を楽しみにしていました。SammさんがHiveのファンドDHF(Decentralized Hive Fund)を使ってガーナできれいな水を供給する設備を作り、クリプト教育を盛り上げていく様子をRafさんが映像化したものです。よくある「クリプトって怪しい、詐欺なのでは」というイメージを払拭する可能性があるのでは!と希望を持てる作品です。

ハッピーなガーナの人とコミュニティーの映像にも元気をもらえます。偶然最近ガーナの布で作ったスカートを持ってきていて、Day 3はこのスカートをはいて参加しました。

Water Directの上映中はライブストリームはオフだったのですが、映画祭に応募されているということで、お近くでWater Directの上映が決まったらぜひ。日本でもたくさんの人に見てほしくて、日本の映画祭にもぜひ応募してほしいと伝えました。ライプツィヒにも来てほしい・・・!

Day 3締めは我らがビアサタデー 🍻 🇩🇪 すでにモデレーターとして何度か登壇している @detlev さんのトークでは会場が盛り上がり、「興味を持っていることで何か始めよう」というメッセージが印象的でした。そうそう、始めればいいんですよね。トークの終わりには、最近イベントでdetlevさんが知り合ったというクリプト醸造所MetaBrewのビールが配られました。さすが!

@ninaeatshere さんと缶を交換して白黒2つの味を楽しめました😊ありがとう!

食べ物の話も忘れてはいけません。ケータリングはDay 2と同じサービスで、メニューは大体同じでした。カンファレンスの合間に他の参加者と話しながら食べやすいクロアチアのフィンガーフードでした。日本語を話すお兄さんもまたきていて、前日にプレゼントした風呂敷を喜んでくれてうれしかったです。

食事の置いてあるテーブルの上には、@livinguktaiwan さんの宿泊先のホストのイチヂクが置いてありました。これがもう本当に美味しくて2つ3つつまんでしまいました。長らくHiveでやりとりしていた彼女と会ってお話しできたのも今回のHive Festでうれしかったことの一つです。


そんなこんなのHive Fest Day 3でした。2016年に大学時代の友人がロイターのStxxmに関する記事(しかも日本語!)を送ってくれて、何とはなしに使い始めて、世界中のHive/Hive Blogユーザーと出会って、こんなにいい体験ができるって、なんてラッキーなんだろう。改めていい時代に生きているなあと思います。

残り3日、Hive Festとスプリト滞在を楽しみます!


It we really thoughtful of my host and the figs were so sweet, it had to be shared.

It was great. The tasty figs motivated me to give better care to my two mini fig trees at home 😁

Wow what a great overview - love reading other perspectives, everyone has their own experience at Hivefest. Looking forward to race car day tomorrow! Thank you for your kind comment on my post - would love to talk about it with you!

Same for me to see the Fest from others’ of views. See you at the car event and the closing!

Sending love and curation Ecency vote. ♥️

Hi @riyat and @ecency team, big thanks from Split!

You're welcome my friend ♥️

The conference has been great and the people are so friendly. I've really enjoyed it.


That's true and it's what great about Hive. Thanks for the Beer 🍺

Hey @akipponn, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.