Micro Balcony Garden Journal 2024 - Jun 23 / マイクロバルコニーの記録

in #hive-1406353 months ago

I am back from vacation. While I was away, we had a day of heavy thunderstorms, and I wondered if the plants would be okay, but they are all doing well, which is a relief.

The bitter melons were even happy about the thunderstorms and are trying to climb up the asparagus. I would love for them to climb the string I set up for them 😅 That's gardening, many funny unexpected things happen.

As I watered some pots and looked at the plants, I found tomatoes with fruit on them. The name tag is missing and it is a mystery tomato, but I think it is probably a green zebra with stripes on green fruit. My daughter wants to make green tomato ketchup with the fruits.

The large black tomatoes are growing well. I'm sorry my photo skills can't convey the jumbo size and strength of it. This one has buds too. I read somewhere once that black tomatoes have a strong umami taste, and I am looking forward to harvesting and eating them already.

Speaking of summer vegetables, zucchini also had buds. To save space, I planted a variety that climbs up. It is slightly small, pushed out by the strong strawberry plants. I wonder I should keep "one pot one plant" policy. Ja but the black tomato shares pot with others well. Hmmm ... Learning by doing, that's gardening.

Even I wonder I shall follow "one pot one plant" policy, I bought mini pumpkin seeds on impulse and started them because of their cuteness 😂 I know I need a bigger balcony.

As a desperate measure for lack of space, I decided to hang the okra seedlings. It's going to be very hot next week, so I will bring and plant them on the balcony of my office, which has the perfect sun exposure.

I harvested fava beans and thinned out the stems without the pods so that the zucchini and tomatoes could get more sunshine. This year was the best fave bean harvest since I started growing it in Germany. I am so happy to be able to do more and more things every year.

It was so hot today that I wanted to eat onigiri (Japanese rice balls) rather than drink coffee, so I made onigiri and ate them on the balcony. Eating onigiri outside in the summer is really nice.

Have a great Sunday everyone, and happy gardening!

🍅 🍅 🍅


ゴーヤは夏の雷雨がうれしかったのか、アスパラガスを登っていこうとしています。私が彼らのために設置した紐を登ってほしいところですが 😅



夏野菜といえば、ズッキーニにもつぼみがついていました。省スペースのために蔓性の上に登って育つものを植えたのですが、元気なイチゴに押しやられ、小ぶりです。省スペースとはいえ、一株一鉢がベストなのかもしれませんね。Learning by doing, that's gardening ... です。

・・・と書きつつ、かわいさに負けてミニかぼちゃの種を衝動買いしてまいているという 😂 大きいバルコニーがほしいです。




それではみなさん、素敵な日曜日を。Happy gardening!


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