Micro Balcony Garden Journal 2024 - Dec 29 / マイクロバルコニーの記録

in #hive-14063510 days ago


This is my final garden journal of 2024. Looking back, I started keeping a garden journal shortly after moving into our current apartment in May 2022.

My two square meter garden log - May 21 2022

My micro-balcony garden journal is a personal record and source of joy, but I also hope it inspires others with limited space to see how much they can grow. I’m deeply grateful to @gardenhive and the Gardening Community for hosting this space on Hive, where I can share my words and photos.

For this journal entry, I wanted to reflect on 2024. Looking at the posts, I see that aside from January and early February, I managed to write my garden journal every Sunday—or occasionally on Monday or Tuesday—throughout the year. Including today’s entry, that’s 47 posts ☺️

It’s been a great year of plants coming into my home, others moving on to friends or swap shelves. This cycle feels healthy and rewarding. I’ve even started considering selling plants again next spring at local markets, as I did back in 2020.

Plants I propagated went to my friends and also to swap shelves

Among the plants that joined my little garden this year, the new additions to my citrus family—kumquat and yuzu—stand out. Also memorable is the Hive fig I started from seeds brought back from Hive Fest. Next year, I hope to successfully harvest lemons, kumquats, and yuzu. The Hive fig has been a delightful surprise; after planting the seeds shortly after returning from the Fest, one sprouted in the first month, and now several more are popping up after three months. Good that I didn't give up. I’m starting to imagine becoming a fig farmer 😁 My goal for next year is to grow these Hive figs into strong, healthy one-year-old trees.

The Hive figs are sprouting more and more!

Visiting Split, Croatia, for Hive Fest was another highlight. The sky was so blue, and the city was filled with warm-weather fruit trees. It was such a pleasure to stroll around and admire the plants. I hope I get to meet more contributors from the Hive Garden community at next year’s Fest ☺️

A beautiful fig tree on a street corner in Split

I once heard someone say, “The longer you garden, the more you grow to love perennials and trees.” That feels true for me. Yuzu, for example, is impressively hardy and seems unfazed by freezing temperatures, as shown in the top photo. Kumquats can handle down to about -5°C, so I’m wondering whether to gradually move my tree outside.

This year, I also made the most of my balcony in other ways, enjoying coffee, beer, and peaceful moments more than ever before. Perhaps joining Beer Saturday helped 🍺 The balcony is just a few steps from my workspace, making it the perfect spot for a refreshing break. I’ve also enjoyed watching the moon at night while smudging with herbs from the balcony I dried. I’m already looking forward to spending more time out there when spring arrives.

Taking a coffee break

Indoors, I explored how to grow microgreens. Last year, I proposed a project to my state to help more people grow microgreens locally, secured funding, and I could compare kits and method, and hosted a workshop in the end. That motivated me to refine my methods, and I’ve now established a best-practice routine for growing and enjoying microgreens at home. Next year, I hope to create a simple kit for giveaways and maybe even include microgreen seeds in the eco-bags at Hive Fest, with a little promotion for @gardenhive. My imagination is running wild with possibilities!

Microgreen workshop at a local market

My home microgreen setup

This year has been fulfilling, with plenty of time spent connecting with nature and nurturing plants. Next month, I’ll start planning for spring and summer, selecting and ordering seeds. The thought of new challenges and discoveries in the year ahead fills me with excitement.

Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday. Happy gardening!

🪴 🪴 🪴


My two square meter garden log - May 21 2022

私のマイクロバルコニーのガーデンジャーナルは、私自身の記録や楽しみなのはもちろん、「私のように限られたスペースでもかなりの植物を育てられるよ!」とスペースが限られている人の励みになtったらという思いもあって書いています。そんな文章と写真をシェアできるコミュニティをHive上でホストしてくれている @gardenhiveガーデニングコミュニティに大感謝です。

さて、今回のガーデンジャーナルでは今年一年を振り返ってみようと思います。記事をリストアップしてみると、1月と2月の上旬以外はガーデンジャーナルを毎週日曜日に、時々ずれて月曜日や火曜日に書いていました。今日のガーデンジャーナルを入れると47つ。ガーデニングもブログも大好物で、楽しくて毎週続いてしまいました ☺️



うちに来た植物はどれも思い出深いのですが、今年お迎えした柑橘ファミリーのニューフェイスの金柑と柚子、Hive Festから持ち帰って種から育てているHiveイチヂクが特に印象に残っています。来年はレモン、柑橘、柚子の収穫に成功したいです。HiveイチヂクはFestから帰国して早々に種を植えて、一ヶ月目で一本、最近どんどん生えてきて、イチヂク農家になっちゃうのではと妄想が広がるほどです。来年はこのHiveイチヂクたちを元気な一歳の木に育てたいです。


Hive Festで訪れたクロアチアのスプリトは空が青くて、暖かい国の果樹がそこここに植っていて、植物を見ながら散歩をするのも楽しかったです。来年のHive FestではHive Gardenに投稿している人と会えるといいな ☺️



今年はガーデニングをする以外にも、コーヒーやビールを飲みながら、バルコニーでのひとときを例年以上に楽しめました。Beer Saturdayに参加し始めたからかもしれません 🍺 仕事場からたった5歩くらいで出られる距離なのですが、よい気分転換になります。夜月を見るのも楽しみました。春また暖かくなってバルコニーで時間を過ごすのが楽しみです。


屋内ではマイクログリーンの育て方も探求しました。昨年マイクログリーンをもっと地域で育てられるように教育的なプロジェクトをしたいと州に提案して予算をつけてもらい、ワークショップを開催することになったのも勉強の良いモチベーションになりました。最終的には私の環境でマイクログリーンを育てて食べる一連のベストプラクティスを見つけられました。来年はこれをもう少し一般化して、ギブアウェイに使えるキットを作れたらと思っています。Hive Festでもらえるエコバッグに @gardenhive の宣伝のマイクログリーンの種を入れられないかな・・・・・なんて妄想が止まりません。




それではみなさん素敵な日曜日を。Happy gardening!

Micro Balcony Garden Journal 2024


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You have a FIG tree! =) That was nice but I don't eat that. LOL. I don't like the taste to be honest.

Yes, even they are babies though. The Croatian green super tasty figs may change your mind? ;)

wow, you are really good at making microgreens!

Hehe, thanks for the comment @isdarmady! I'm happy to read so as it's what I practiced this year 🌱