My 25 hours from Split to home learning passenger rights / 乗客の権利について学ぶ25時間

in #hive-19623318 days ago

On my way back from Hive Fest @hivefest, with full of good memories, I started writing this post early in the morning at a restaurant in Vienna airport.

As my flight to Vienna delayed by almost 3 hours I had to stay in Vienna for one night to wait for the next flight to my local airport. My plan was to leave Split around lunch time and arrive in Leipzig in evening. 8 hours of traveling turned to be 25 hours of traveling 😉

At Vienna airport, at first, I was in a quite chaotic situation. People who needed rebooking of a new flight must wait at the reservation counter. I had more than 130 group ahead of me. The airport stuff said I would be called in an hour. After an hour, it moved forward by only 30 groups ... I was prepared to sleep on the floor of the airport, which I did in my 20s.

After waiting for 2 hours while chatting with my partner who is good in arranging travels and doing travel business, he had an idea to call the airline's hotline. Then all of a sudden rebooking was done. I also got confirmation to book hotel.

I wasn't sure I could access to the city center. Because of the heavy rain, some streets were blocked and some subway lines were stopped. Luckily the express train to the city center was operated and some hotels around the station still had rooms.

I was really tired but happy to see Vienna again, where I visited often when I was living in Linz.

Kebab restaurants are lifesavers. I bought a falafel bowl for dinner.

Thanks to my partner, I could catch 5 hours of good sleep in nice fluffy Austrian/German style bed. If I had more energy, I could have go up to the roof top of the hotel to enjoy a glass of cocktail ... Next time!

In the early morning, I went back to the airport on the earliest train as I thought something might happen 😅 There was a short dispute over whether my flight had been rebooked or not, but when I said, “I have a recording of yesterday's phone call to the hotline,” I was said my flight had been rebooked ... records are important.

In the airport, I found quite some people sleeping on the floor, which I thought about doing last night 😢

Airlines have a web page about passengers' rights and they offer stay at hotel, transport and food modestly in case of delay. For example, Austrian airline I used have one:

Flights delayed and cancelled at short notice - Austrian Airline

Also we shall know about "EU261." It is a regulation that establishes the rights of air passengers in the European Union. It provides compensation and assistance for passengers in cases of flight delays, cancellations, or denied boarding, with compensation amounts depending on flight distance and delay duration.

Even I like Austrian Airline and I regard them friendly (with Austrian German accent), it doesn't offer assistance when we actively ask for support. I did a lot of reading of this topic yesterday while I was waiting my flight at Split airport, on the airplane, and in front of the reservation desk in Vienna airport. Always there are new adventures and new things to learn, which I enjoy.

From the final airplane, I could see the rough Donau ...

Once I arrived at Leipzig airport, my final destination, I got a message that my suitcase is not on the aircraft 😇 Somehow I thought this may happen as one lady at the gate in Vienna airport said "I cannot track your suitcase." What a happening full travel it is ...

But It's OK. The fun at Hive Fest wins. The suitcase will be back in few days. Just it has fresh figs I got from @livingtaiwanuk inside. I'm sad that I may not show the taste to my family but still I can sow the seeds 😉

In the really end, since it was chilly, I stopped at my favorite Indian restaurant and warmed me up. I realize now I'm back in Germany and I'm back from the dream Hive Fest Days in Split.

That was my 25 hours way back from the Hive Fest. I wish all reaches their destination safely and if there is a trouble like me, I wish my post will be of help.

Now it's time to take rest. Have a nice week, everyone!

🛫 🛫 🛫


昨日のウィーンは大雨で、空港はかなり混乱していました。私のように新しいフライトの予約が必要な人たちが予約カウンターに並び、私の前には130組以上の人がいました 😱 空港のスタッフは「1時間後には呼ばれる」と言いっていましたが、1時間待って進んだのは30組ほど。20代の頃には空港の床で寝たこともあったので、その覚悟でいました。





相方が機転をきかせてくれたおかげで、柔らかいオーストリア/ドイツなベッドで5時間ほどしっかりと眠れました。もしもっと元気だったら、ホテルの屋上に上がってカクテルを楽しんだのにな … でもHive Festでいっぱいカクテルは楽しんだからよし。

早朝、一番早い列車で再び空港に向かいました。何かトラブルが起きるかもしれないと思ったので 😅 結局、フライトが再予約されているかどうかでちょっとした議論になりましたが、「昨日ホットラインにかけた電話の記録があります」と言うと、記録を調べてくれて、フライトが確保されていることになりました … やはり記録は大事です。

空港では床で寝ている人がかなりいました。昨晩、私もその状況になるところでした 😢 一応まわりの人には、待っている間にホットラインに連絡を取ってみるといいよと情報共有はしたものの。


Flights delayed and cancelled at short notice - Austrian Airline






ライプツィヒ空港に到着した後、私のスーツケースが飛行機に乗っていないというメッセージを受け取りました 😇 ウィーン空港のゲートでスーツケースについて聞いたら「スーツケースの追跡ができません」と言われたので、何かあるかなとは思っていました。もう最後の最後まで!

でも、Hive Festでの楽しさが勝っていて、やっぱりいい旅でした。スーツケースも数日で戻ってくるでしょう。ただ一つ心配なことがあります。中には @livingtaiwanuk さんのホストの生のイチジクが入っているのです!タッパーに入っているし大丈夫だとは思いますが、家族に味見させてあげられないのが残念です。でも種はまけるのでよし。

ドイツは肌寒い上に雨だったので、駅にある大好きなインド料理屋さんでお昼を食べて体を温めました。ドイツに戻ってきたんだな、夢のようなHive Festから現実にもどってきたんだなあ。

そんなこんなのHive Festから帰宅するまでの25時間の道のりでした。みなさんが無事に目的地に到着することを願いつつ、もし私と同じようなトラブルに見舞われた人がいたらこの投稿が役立てばうれしいです。



That’s great I’m glad you were enjoying hive fest! It’s always challenging when you have a lot of issues trying to get home when you’re tired already! Glad you made it home safe though!

Thanks for the comment. I’m enjoy relaxing at home 😊 I must say I was lucky that I could book a hotel room and could catch a sleep 💤



Omg!what a nightmare. Glad you're back home at last. I hope the figs survive the journey safely.

Are you able to get compensation from the airline? Or are they giving you some stupid reason to deny responsibility?

Seems my luggage comes back to my city tomorrow 🥳 Hopefully it’s delivered on Wednesday.

While the long waiting time I was reading also about figs. I was wrong, they can be grown from seeds as you said. So at least I have seeds.

I tank energy tonight and start the claim tomorrow. I was lucky I had travel insurance with coverage of weather 😉