I still take most of my photos within a 5-meter radius of my kitchen and the balcony connected to it. I think I'm slowly getting better at it! Here are some of my favorite recent shots.
These two pictures blow capture the warmth of a cozy winter lunch—and coincidentally, both feature pasta. I want to improve my ability to photograph steaming hot meals deliciously. Right now, my method is quite ridiculous—I blow away the steam myself and quickly snap a photo right after 😂
Since last month, I've been into vegan baking, which means more photos of sweets! However, they tend to disappear quickly, so I often miss a chance to take pictures before they’re eaten. Looking at beautifully photographed cookbooks like A New Way To Bake is a great way to learn about food photography.
I’ve been developing a new furikake seasoning that was well received at last year’s market. While testing different recipes, I managed to capture some detailed shots of the tiny sesame seeds and roasted beans. This level of precision is exactly why I enjoy using a dedicated camera.
Since last year, I’ve been working on Puppie (@pupiko), a wooden-looking talking robot. Puppie has become a great model of my photography. I enjoy adding a kind of human touch to my photos with her. It's good for me, a beginner photographer, that she doesn't mind when I take time and change her position a lot.
My New Challenges
Taking My Camera Outside
I usually take photos in my kitchen or on my balcony, but last month, I challenged myself to bring my camera on a trip to Berlin—despite the extra weight in my bag. It's not easy to quickly take great shots while traveling, but when I manage to capture something beautiful, it feels so rewarding. As the weather warms up and my luggage gets lighter, I plan to take my camera on more trips such as to Hive Creator Days.
Finally Started Using My Gimbal
This is more about video than photography, but I recently started using a gimbal I bought after seeing some people use it at last year's Hive Fest. The model is DJI’s Osmo Mobile 6. I probably won’t use it much at home, so I’m looking forward to taking it on future trips too.
I’ll keep taking more photos, practicing, and sharing my progress here on Hive Blog. Thank you for seeing the photos and reading all the way through! If you have any tips or advice on how I can improve, I’d love to hear them. ☺️
先月からヴィーガンベーキングにはまっていて、お菓子の写真も撮っています。お菓子はすぐに食べられてしまうので、食事以上に撮り忘れが多いです。『A New Way To Bake』など、写真が美しい料理本を見るのは写真の勉強にもなってよいです。
昨年から作っている木製の見た目のおしゃべりロボットPuppie(プッピー)こと @pupiko がいい被写体になってくれるのでPuppieの写真を撮るのも楽しんでいます。
新たな試み - カメラを外に持ち出すぞ
写真というよりは動画なのですが、昨年のHive Festで使っている人たちを見かけて気になって購入したジンバルをようやく使い始めました。DJIの「Osmo Mobile 6」というモデルです。自宅ではあまり使う機会がなさそうなので、これも旅に持って出ようと思います。
どんどん撮って、どんどん練習してまた結果をHive Blogでシェアしたいです。ここまでお付き合いいただいたみなさまありがとうございます。「こうしたらもっといいよ」など改善のアドバイスもお待ちしています ☺️