My first Kintsugi and thoughts / はじめての金継ぎ体験から考えること

in #hive-1896418 days ago

Kintsugi Process

In my region, temperatures have dropped below freezing. Yesterday, on a quiet snowy afternoon, I visited a friend’s house to try kintsugi. My friend was restoring a plate that had been in their family for over 100 years, passed down from their grandfather.

Recently, I had trouble adjusting to my new stove. I accidentally turned on the wrong one, which resulted in breaking a cherished Arabia bowl that was sitting on top. I had temporarily repaired it with conventional glue, but some parts were still missing. Coincidentally, my friend had just bought a Kintsugi kit from France and invited me to try Kintsugi together. It was my first time attempting this traditional craft.

Kintsugi - Wikipedia

A Perfect Winter Activity

For this repair, we didn’t use traditional urushi lacquer but instead applied an epoxy resin-based method. We mixed gold powder into epoxy putty to bond and fill the missing pieces. The repaired sections are slightly raised, so I plan to sand them down once they are fully cured.

Working on kintsugi in a warm room, enjoying Japanese sweets and German cakes while chatting with a like-minded friend who also loves crafting—it was a perfect winter activity.

Cherishing What We Have

Back home, as I admired the restored bowl, I reflected on the importance of valuing what we have. When the bowl broke, I was shocked and thought it was beyond repair. I even considered discarding it with gratitude. But now, I’m so glad I could fix it.

This Arabia bowl is special—it was part of a large set we bought when I had just moved to Germany more than ten years ago. At a second-hand shop, we were surprised to find the entire set—tea cups, saucers, cake plates, a teapot, bowls, and more—for only 12 euros. My partner and I immediately bought it without hesitation. We use the sturdy good looking Arabia dishes almost everyday.

The idea of cherishing what we have extends beyond objects to relationships as well. During the first few years after my daughter was born, my partner and I were overwhelmed with parenting, and our relationship suffered greatly. Fortunately, things have settled down, and after my personal lesson of losing assets on FTX (a humbling experience) etc, I believe we’ve mended things significantly—at least from my perspective. Just like repairing a broken object, restoring a strained relationship can bring new meaning and depth to it.

Now I know why it's even known in foreign countries with the Japanese term "Kintsugi." Kintsugi is truly beautiful. It shows as resilience.

If I get the chance, I would love to experience traditional urushi-based Kintsugi someday.

Have a nice weekend, everyone!





金継ぎ - Wikipedia








I’ve heard about Kintsugi, but I thought it was really hard and even considered an art form. I hope I’ll have the opportunity to try it someday

The traditional method takes long time and a kind of art as you wrote. The one I tried this time is a easy simplified version. But it was a good start :) I think you like it as an artist. I wish both of us can try it some day.

I have kept a little traditional coffee cup and the handle from my favourite tea cup to repair when it is the right time 😁.

Today I am enjoying needlework. I used to sew a lot but it got lost somewhere. After Christmas, I joined an adult education class called "sewing project workshop" for ten weeks. I really enjoy it - there's a little technical session each week but most of the time is spent on your own projects. Those two hours inspire me to spend much more time sewing each week. My plan is to have two finished garnments by 4 April (okay, they might need a little hemming) 😂

Good that you have tolerance ... I couldn't wait and repaired with conventional glue first. So mostly I did was to fill a missing part with the gold epoxy. Right timing will come 😉

Sewing group sounds fun. I want to join yours 😁 I understand how we overestimate our capabilities... I want to sew my and my daughter's gothic dresses (for the first time!) until a gothic fest in June or even May .... 😅 We'll see!

Gothic dresses sound fun! 😍


