My Ideal Life: A Gardening Enthusiast's Nomadic Lifestyle / 私の理想の生活:ガーデニング好きの旅する多拠点風生活

in #hive-17826510 days ago


Lately, the term "multi-base lifestyle" has been popping into my head repeatedly. I picked up Choose Life by Daniel Prince again, a book I started reading a few years ago. It’s a book that often comes up among Bitcoiners, and I first heard about it through a group of translators working on Bitcoin-related books. I also discovered that Daniel appeared in an episode of the Bitcoin Standard Podcast.

As I read books and watch videos about multi-base living and digital nomad, I’ve started reflecting on what kind of lifestyle I truly want. I was a kind of digital nomad before.

Thinking about my current preferences, I realized that the typical idea of a multi-base lifestyle or being nomad don’t quite resonate with me. Practical concerns like costs and my daughter’s education come to mind, and I’ve come to understand that I’d like to have a main base to call home.

I love gardening, after all. I want a place where my favorite things and plants are waiting for me—a place that gives me comfort when I return. Ideally, it would be a home-office setup in the city, with a rooftop garden that’s great for meeting people, filled with plants, where I can do yoga under the sun, and work on my projects. I poured all these dreams into the illustration above. I love my current kitchen office and micro balcony garden though ... dreaming is for free 😉

My kitchen and office in the back

My micro but homy balcony

My daughter loves her school, so I don’t feel the need to uproot her from her school or friends to travel or try homeschooling at the moment.

As I think about my ideal lifestyle, I’m reminded of how glad I am that I attended Hive Fest last year. Inspirational trips that combine work and play, lasting 1-2 weeks, feel like my ideal. I’d love to do about five trips like that a year. For 1-2 weeks, I can ask family or friends to look after my plants, and during school breaks, I also can travel withmy family.

When I travel, I prefer to meet people, work, visit local gardens, and learn about plants and cooking. Last year’s Hive Fest was the perfect trip in many ways—I even brought back a fig plant that I’m now growing 😁 During and after returning from a trip, I’d like to share what I found and learned on Hive Blog. I also enjoy cooking while watching videos in the kitchen, so I’m considering creating videos that people can enjoy while they cook.

This year, my plans already include:

  • A half-work trip to Portugal in February,
  • A few days in Paris with family in March,
  • Visiting my partner’s relatives in Munich in April,
  • Attending a plant fair in Berlin in the end of April,
  • Hive Fest at the end of summer,
  • And a trip to India in October to visit friends.

These trips feel like a rehearsal for the "gardening enthusiast's nomadic lifestyle" I’m envisioning. In India, I especially want to explore cooking, learn to use spices, and take a yoga class—something I didn’t fully get to do last time.

Indian omelet made by a friend during my previous visit

This weekend, I’ve been invited to visit a vacant space in a gardening community where my friend rents a plot. I’m hoping this will further clarify my vision for an ideal lifestyle.

For me, the perfect life is one where travel and stability, work and play coexist in balance. I hope to gradually shape that vision through my everyday life and travels.

What does your ideal lifestyle look like?

🪴 🧳 🪴


このところ、「多拠点生活」という言葉が何度となく頭の中に浮かび、数年前に読み始めたDaniel Prince著『Choose Life』をまた本棚から取り出してきました。ビットコイナーの間でときどき出てくる本で、私もビットコイン関連書籍の翻訳者のグループでこの本を知りました。調べてみたら『ビットコインスタンダード』の著者のポッドキャストに出演している回がありました。



理想の生活について考えていると、改めて去年思い切ってHive Festに参加してよかったなと思います。1-2週間ほどの仕事と遊びの間のような、インスピレーションに満ちた楽しい旅は私の理想で、こんな滞在を1年に5回くらいしたいです。1-2週間であれば家族や友人に植物を頼めますし、子供の休暇中であれば家族で旅行することもできます。

旅先では人と会ったり仕事をしたり、その土地の庭を見たり、植物や料理を学んだりしたいです。昨年のHive Fest行はイチヂクを持って帰ってきて育てているという点でもまさに理想の旅でした 😁 旅から戻ったら、旅の学びを私も読んでくれる人も楽しい形でHive Blogに書き残したいです。私はキッチンで動画を見ながら料理をするのが好きで、そんな料理のお供になる動画も作ってみたいです。

今年はすでに2月に半分仕事でポルトガル、3月に家族で数日パリ、4月に相方の親戚を訪ねてミュンヘン、植物市を見にベルリン、夏の終わりにHive Fest、10月に友人を訪ねてインドへ旅をする予定があり、私が今理想としている「ガーデニング好きの旅する多拠点風生活」の予行演習になりそうです。特にインドでは、前回滞在時に不完全燃焼だった料理に挑戦して、スパイスを学んで、ヨガのクラスにも参加してみたいです。






অসাধারণ আপনার লিখনি৷ আপনার জীবনের দিনলিপিটা অনেক সুন্দর ভাবে উপস্থাপন করেছেন। বাগান করার বিষয়টা বেশ নজর কারা। ধন্যবাদ আমাদের মাঝে শেয়ার করার জন্য। শুভ কামনা।

Thank you for the comment. It seems you also write in English. ChatGPT helped me to read your comment but I’m happy to receive comments with the same language I wrote especially from someone I communicate for the first time.

Ok my friend' I will try next written in English,🥰🙏

Thank you for understanding 😊

Can't wait to see where HF takes us this year

Yeees! I'm already ready to buy ticket this year with HBD 💪 Hope it's I. September and doesn't overwrap with my trip to India in October ... 🙏

I appreciate what you mention here. I feel that "digital nomad" has become quite a buzz word lately and a lot of people try it out for a while but rarely is it the kind of life that can be sustained for years much less decades. I was nomadic for about 5 years and found that I do not have the personality type for such a life. In fact I am still recovering from the damage it did to my nervous system because what people don't mention about being a digital nomad is that you have to be constantly on alert, looking for opportunities, a place to stay, and finding social groups where you can be safe is a challenge too. Ultimately I have found that having two homes in the world (where I live in my rural setting and my family's home in California) is the best way to satisfy my love of gardening and adventure.

way to satisfy my love of gardening and adventure.

Yes, gardening adventure balance like work-life balance ;) I'm glad to read you found your solution and on your way recovering.

I still try to find what is the best way for me such as two or three bases or one base plus traveling but it is not the continuously moving around digital nomad-ish life I lived in my late twenties to early thirties. In my time back then, I even had to search for Wifi ... 😂 It was wonderful time and thanks to it, I could meet my partner via Couch Surfing and all the other things happened.

Now after stepping in my forties, having my daughter and having a lot of not mobile friends (plants especially trees!), I'm experimenting and figuring out my life with family and plants 🍀

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