Plauen's local beer after a beautiful night city walk / 美しい夜の街歩きとプラウエンの地ビール

in #hive-1877197 days ago

Hello beer friends, here is my post to @detlev's weekly Beer Saturday #378 🍺 Thanks a lot for hosting the fun challenge!

The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 378

It feels unreal that just two weeks ago, I was still in Croatia for Hive Fest, and now I’m enjoying autumn beers in Germany. Just like wine, I love how regional beers reflect the local land, climate, and food.

Recently, I visited a town called Plauen, which is in the same state I live. I went there for the kickoff of a program supporting social welfare projects. During the day, we had drinks at the workshop ... but no beer. It was a nice meeting but in a way diligent, and I missed the Hive Fest atmosphere just a little.


In the evening, after the workshop, a local person showed us around the town for a nice walk. The town was beautiful and there was a beautiful moon a few days past full, and we enjoyed the stroll.



By the way, Plauen is known as the first town in former East Germany to get a McDonald’s. It’s not a very big city, so I wonder why it was chosen.


At the end of the walk, we stopped by a café. There were many drinks to choose from, and while it was a bit chilly and warm drinks seemed tempting, but of course, I picked local beer. I chose a Pilsner from the local brewery, Sternquell, which has been brewing since the 1800s. While writing this post, I found the brewery was only a 17-minute walk from where we had the workshop. If only I had known ... ! 😭

The Pilsner I had was light and easy to drink, but it was different from the kind of light beer I had in Croatia under the hot sun that fits well with seafood. This one felt like it would pair well with meat (even though I don’t eat meat regularly), and it reminded me that I was back in Germany.


The next morning, while walking through the town, I saw this sign. Restaurants had signs that serve Sternquell beer. I love this kind of local pride, and it’s great how in Germany, you can find local beers everywhere.


Since I’ve been talking about beer more than usual this year because of Beer Saturday, my partner has even started buying beer for me, and now my daughter has also become curious about beer. She showed me a comic she drew. There is a character who loves beer. Maybe her @monster.factory will have a beer monster soon 😁 I’m looking forward to drinking beer with her once she's grown up.

(It says, “This soda doesn’t taste good. More beer, please!” 😅)

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend. Happy Beer Saturday 🍻

🍻 🍻 🍻

@detlevさん毎週開催されているBeer Saturdayに参加します🍺

The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 378

2週間前はまだHive Festでクロアチアにいたなんて嘘のようで、秋のドイツのビールを楽しんでいます。ワイン同様、地域の土地や気候、食べ物に合ったその土地のビールっていいですね。

先日、同じ州内にあるプラウエンという街を訪れました。社会福祉分野のプロジェクトを支援するプログラムのキックオフで、日中はワークショップで提供された飲み物に・・・ビールはなし。期待はしていませんでしたが 😅 とても真面目な集まりでちょっとだけHive Festが懐かしくなりました。







散歩の終わりにカフェに立ち寄ることになりました。いろいろな飲み物があり、ちょっと寒くて温かい飲み物も魅力的でしたが、もちろんローカルビール一択です。1800年代からの地域の醸造所Sternquellのピルスナーにしました。この投稿を書きつつ調べてみたら、キックオフの会場から徒歩17分のところに醸造所があることがわかりました。ああ、行けたではないか 😭





私がBeer Saturdayで今年は例年になくビールビールと言っていて、相方もビールを買ってきてくれたりで、子供もビールに関心が出てきたのか、ビールの漫画を描いたのを見せてくれました。@monster.factory にビールモンスターが出てくる日も遠くはないかもしれません。大きくなったら一緒に飲むのが楽しみです。

(「コー⚪︎おいしくない。もっとビールをちょうだい!と書いてあります 😅)

それではみなさん、良い週末を。Happy Beer Saturday 🍻


Yes, in Germany, but also in Czech, you have a bunch of local beers. Cheers!

Hi @seckorama, good suggestion! I’m living in east part of Germany. So not far from Czech actually 😊 One of my friends in Austria is a big fan of Burno (?) for beer. I must travel sometime 🍻

What a traveller you are!!

So had you know there's a brewery around, what would you have done? Lolz.

When will you visit Nigeria?