Financial advice:
Cocaine is a terrible investment. Even good cocaine.
Don't blow your money on blow.
Financial advice:
Cocaine is a terrible investment. Even good cocaine.
Don't blow your money on blow.
I used to live in Miami. You can still feel the sticky floors from the 80s. True story.
i do not even think there is anything like good cocaine..I used to consider everything bad
This is not just an awesome financial advice. , it is also a wonderful moral advice
The last part of the advice will make sure it Gets stick in my mind forever 😅 don't blow your Money on blow
Don't blow your money on blow and keep stackin' magic Internet money and creating value for others.
You will be financially free.
thank you so much, you've given me the map to financial success, I appreciate this 🙏🙏
I'll keep providing value for everyone and keep growing
Yes, even the good cocaine and the weed leaf. I know a friend that lost his job because he was caught doing this at work which was against company policies