The Story of Brainwashing And Indoctrination ~ Lily Is A Master With Words | The Dash For Survival Ends Up With A Bang And Then A Boom!

in #hive-1402173 months ago

Hello, gamers of Hive. I hope you all are doing well.

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Today, I will share the final third of Clem's experience at the raider's ship which is full of action, drama, and hints of fear.

Without further ado, let's begin.


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Clem and the rest of the gang got captured after they got betrayed by Minnie, the once sweet lady they knew from the school after they successfully boarded the raider's ship under the cover of a herd of walkers that James had gathered from the forest and added some from his collection. They killed a few guards to reach the second deck. Before they laid their covert assault, they threw a small party to celebrate before their fight. There, Ruby disclosed the actions that brought her to Erickson and Willy enthusiastically shared the problem of why he was there(chronic masturbation). Violet sang the song that Minnie used to sing in times of fear. And, to start off the celebrations Clem had 3 choices for the color of the lamp, the song to be played from the banner

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Clem checked up on Louis. He was still shaken up after his tongue got cut. Clem tried to calm him and told him that they were not going to stay there for long.

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She asked Aj if he had a knife, and he said they could not find the small one and took the big one. Clem asked him to pass it along so he slid it under the cell. She took it and tried to break the connectors of the metal door which would allow her to open the locks and get the hell out.

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Unfortunately, Lily and Minerva visited her moments later. Clem quickly slid the shiv underneath the bed as they walked inside. She wanted to talk with Clem and teach her about Minnie's past and how her community back on the mainland worked.

At first, Lily asks her about Abel, and Aj replies from the back that they killed her. Clem clarified it and said that it was a mercy kill, he was about to turn.

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She was furious initially but recognized Clem's efforts to make it that far how she gathered the good-for-nothing children at the school to launch an assault, how she managed to use the herd of zombies to sneak into the school and made it into the second deck where her friends were kept.

lily spoke a bit about how her father harshly taught her lessons. Clem remarked that his dad was an asshole and that the asshole ran in her family.

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Then, she started to tell the tale of 2 sisters who were taken from the school and transferred to their community where they were fed till their stomachs were full and had access to baths. One of them received the kindness of the people in the community while the other one stirred up problems for everyone. One day, one of the sisters planned to escape the place. So, the more "sensible" one killed her.

Then Lily asked Minnie why she did that... Aasim, Omar, and Violet were in disbelief. Minerva said she was twisting her head with lies, she wanted to prove her permanent loyalty.

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And lastly, she asked If Clem would be the loyal one or the dead one.

Clem replied she would be the one to stab her in her sleep.

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So, Lily asked Dorian to cut off Violet's finger. Aj stepped up but he was pushed aside. As Dorian was about to chop off Violet's finger, Aj crept up on her. Clem had the choice: either let him do it and face the consequences or let Violet be violated. I let Aj jump onto her and he bit off her ear.

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Lily ordered Dorian out of the way. She entered the cell and asked Aj to join. Aj flat-out declined and told her she was a monster who deserved to be killed just like Marlon. Lily's interest peaked. She asked him if he killed him. He said yes.

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She surmised that he and Clem would make excellent soldiers. Clem asked Lily to leave Aj alone.

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Lily firmly told her that it was not a negotiation. Whether she liked it or not, she was one of them now. Before she left, she gave the command to start the engine, which meant the bomb would go off within 5 minutes. She also grabbed Aj and took him to the top deck.

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Minnie tried to convince everyone that it was better that they were being taken as a part of the community, and that they would be able to survive longer. Violet objected, along with Omar and Aasim. While they were arguing, Clem quickly broke the metal appendages.

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Minnie turned to Clem as a last hope to turn to her cause. I made Clem say she was a lost cause. After that, she quickly rammed the door and tussled with Minnie.

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Minnie managed to poke her knife into Clem's chest and drew blood. Just when things looked hairy, Violet let go of the arrow from the crossbow which went through Minnie's arm. She decided to stay with Minnie while Clem notified her she was going to look for Aj.


On that deck, security was tight. She snaked her way to the end where Aj was.

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As she came closer, she saw that two familiar faces were being reported in. They were Tennesse and James. Gina aimed her gun at James as he would not cooperate. That's when Tenn grabbed a gun off of Gina. He asked that they return his friends, and aimed at Lily. He walked up to Lily and did not notice that Gina was behind him. Lily asked why he went there at all as she continued to approach Tenn.

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She placed her head at the revolver and asked if Tenn was there for killing or any other thing... he refused to shoot her. Lily grabbed the gun and aimed at Tenn and said that he was not a soldier material.

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Aj jumped in and bit Lily's wrist. Gina aimed her gun at Aj but James ran up to her.
That's when Clem revealed herself and threw herself at Lily.

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She wrestled with Lily but she fell a bit short on strength. Lily tossed her on her ailings and told her what a waste she turned out to be.

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Fortunately, Aj picked up the big knife that Lily dropped and stabbed her leg. Clem kicked that knife which twisted and turned on her legs and finally, Clem freed herself. Then, they both spot the gun and dashed for it.

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Aj got the gun. Gina was taken care of and James asked him not to shoot. Tenn wanted Aj to shoot her. It was up to me: either let Aj shoot her or let her live. I decided to give the thumbs down. Aj shot her multiple times.

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Dorian came over to report in but found her leader lying on the floor. The worst part was that the entire boat shook once, Clem realized that the bomb must've gone off. She dashed toward Aj since the engine of the tank was about to blow any second.


My Choices

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Everyone Else's State

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Thank you, guys, for reading this far, see you legends on the next one!

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One of the things that has caught my attention in this game, is the drama it has, it is very good and fun, especially because in some occasions are very emotional.