Every day in this world and this life we are constantly filled with tons of information, from insignificant details to a piece of big breaking news that might bring anxiety to ourselves.
Some of them might be good, and often times they also could be really bad to us or to those close to us. There will also be times when we hear the news that has been sugar-coated so by the informant for several reasons. The informant might not want you to know the truth, or maybe the information is too classified for you. Or simply she or he doesn't really want to let you break your heart.
But there are times when we need to really swallow the bitter truth, because there are times that it is better for us to understand the situation no matter how hard it could be, rather than thinking that everything is ok, while it is actually not.
It might not be easy at first because we need to receive that hard and bitter information, process it well, and then at the end try to openly accept it as part of our life. But as I mentioned it is better than living in a artificial reality when we live the life based on a lie.