Broadway promotional poster
Dear Evan Hansen is a musical drama movie based on the Tony Award-winning Broadway show that debuted in 2016. The story follows Evan Hansen, a socially anxious high schooler who accidentally gets caught in a lie after a classmate, Connor Murphy, takes his own life. Evan pretends to have been Connor’s close friend to comfort his grieving family, but the lie spirals out of control when the story gains attention on social media.
As a 19-year-old seeing the musical in 2016 through online searching, the experience was unforgettable. Songs like "Waving Through a Window" and "You Will Be Found" resonated deeply with the struggles of growing up, feeling unseen, and wanting to belong. Watching the movie years later as an adult felt different. While the emotional core was still there, it was easier to notice the flaws, like the pacing and some character choices, yet the themes of mental health and connection still hit close to home.
At its heart, Dear Evan Hansen is about loneliness, grief, and the power of kindness. The musical and movie both explore how much a single act of empathy can mean to someone who feels invisible. It’s a powerful reminder, especially for a generation growing up in a digital world, to look out for each other and show compassion in both big and small ways.
Listen to the Dear Evan Hansen (Original Broadway Cast) here.
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