There are many ways to grow plants in the garden, even though we don't have a very large area, but with some creativity we can grow the plants we like.
We can grow it using containers, polybags or in simple raised beds that are not too big. So, this time I will share a method for growing green vegetables using raised beds.
The plants that I will plant using this raised bed are water spinach. Because, water spinach is a type of green vegetable that is easy to grow so it doesn't need a planting medium that is too large with a lot of soil.
I have some old bricks that I realized when renovating my house a few years ago. I thought about using these bricks for planting. Making this raised bed is very easy because we don't even need cement, later the bricks can be arranged nicely even though we don't have cement as the adhesive.
I only made two rows of bricks high because these were the only bricks I had. Form the bricks into an elongated box shape.
After finishing making the raised bed, then I prepared the planting medium. Soil, burnt rice husks, and compost.
After the planting medium is fulfilled raised bed, then mix them well.
Done with the raised bed of bricks and planting medium, then it's time to start placing the water spinach seeds in the planting medium.
Then, cover the water spinach seeds with the planting medium. And, the most important thing is don't forget to water it. Watering the planting medium is done not too wet so that later the seeds don't rot.
Because there are a lot of cats around me here. So I cover the planting medium with thorny plants so that cats don't disturb this planting medium. If I don't cover it with thorns like this, then this planting medium will be messed up by cats. This method is quite effective at the moment and I apply it to many of my garden raised beds.
A week after sowing, the water spinach seeds began to grow. Don't forget to water them regularly.
After the water spinach was two weeks old, I fertilized it by adding compost.
Before adding compost, I also removed the weeds. Do it carefully because the grass and water spinach are close together.
Water spinach can be harvested 25-30 days after sowing. And this plant is very easy to care for in fact!
With this brick raised bed, it can be a solution to save containers. Also, less planting media.
At another time, I will share how to plant other vegetables using the same raised bed. See you at my garden!
Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari
Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.
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Discord: anggreklestari#3009