Do you realize that there are so many ingredients available on this earth? We can use them to warm our bodies or even cool them down. The amazing thing is that with just food and drinks we can feel warm.
Of course, in cold conditions such as when it rains or during winter. Certain ingredients really help our bodies to feel warm and improve our mood. In addition, ingredients that make our bodies warm will increase the body's immunity in general.
Especially, in my area, the spices that we put into certain foods and drinks usually function to increase the body's immunity, increase metabolism, and of course reduce fat levels in the body. Our bodies can have smooth blood flow and avoid high blood pressure and other serious diseases.
Actually, if we are used to living a healthy lifestyle in this case is consuming foods and drinks rich in spices, then our bodies will be fitter, more fit and not easily sick. Of course, it's not just health that we want to achieve, but also how we have a good mood and a productive day.
So, today I went to a mall that I haven't visited for a long time. The last time I visited this place was when I was still in college. It turns out that this mall has had many significant changes. The food and beverage sellers, as well as the fashion in this place have greatly improved compared to my last visit a few years ago.
Actually, my visit to the mall this time was not to buy something important. Like buying household equipment or buying clothes that I wanted to wear. It's not about that. Actually, I visited this place with a very simple goal, namely I wanted to fulfill my daily walking distance in the mall. Because actually this mall is very big. Just by walking around this mall I can get and fulfill the need for 10,000 steps today.
But, of course I won't go home without enjoying food and drinks from the place I visited. I decided to stop by a cafe that from the beginning I walked around this cafe had caught my attention with its exterior design.
With a bright design and lots of bright lights, it made me interested in going inside.
Because it was already dinner time, around 6 pm here, I decided to order a dinner menu. Maybe this is actually not suitable to be considered a dinner menu. But I think the menu I ordered already includes various nutrients, so I think it is enough for my body as dinner this time.
As an appetizer, I ordered spring rolls. Because this is a cheap menu, so only a small portion and I am grateful. With a small portion it will actually help control your appetite which is not excessive.
An appetizer that did not disappoint me. Suitable as an appetizer. These spring rolls are very delicious, appetizing and I want to eat the next main menu.
Next there is a popular soup menu in Thailand. Tom Yum Soup. You can see the appearance of this soup which is very appetizing.
But indeed this soup is a combination of spicy and sour. Spicy from chili, also from tamarind using tamarind and orange or lemon juice.
Of course this soup is also rich in flavor and spices. One of the spices that is quite strong is lemongrass. Here also use a lot of lemongrass pieces as garnish but it is not visible because it is already submerged in the gravy soup.
As the filling, there are meatballs, shrimp, and mushrooms that are full of nutrition. The filling of this soup is according to portion, not too little but not too much. So I feel satisfied eating at this cafe. The soup is really very refreshing and feels warm in my body when I consume this soup.
In addition, the addition of vermicelli filling makes this soup menu feel filling. A complete soup menu, warming the body and of course filling! Good food for a good mood!
To spend the rest of the time at this cafe, before I went home, I ordered a drink that also has ingredients that are rich in spices.
A traditional menu in Indonesia with a mixture of ginger and milk and various other spices. Called bandrek. When mixed, the color became brown milk.
Overall, the menus offered at this cafe have affordable prices. The atmosphere in this cafe feels comfortable because this cafe looks clean, simple, but also still looks luxurious with the arrangement of several furniture and accessories in it.
Hopefully you guys have the opportunity to enjoy food and drinks that can lift your mood to be better, and you can be enthusiastic to go through the day. See you again in my food stories. ❤️❤️❤️
Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari
Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.
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Discord: anggreklestari#3009