How do we face different types of fears in our life!

in #life2 months ago

Image by jemastock on Freepik

We experience many different types of fear many times in our life, some of which I am going to explain in today's post. The root cause of fear is the emotion caused by some combination of hormones in us. Apart from these, when our brain is not so developed we are not afraid of anything because we know about the situation. Because we don't know that much. Our elders tell us that we shouldn't do this and that. They say that we should do things that we shouldn't do. Like if we run fast, we will fall down and get hit, and we should not eat them. There are many such things.

I believe that there is one fear in everyone, and that is what will happen to those who trust us. I know this is a psychological fear, but it is also a kind of fear. One person is afraid of being alone, another is afraid of being in a group. It all depends on our way of thinking. The fear of parents is the fear of what will happen to their children. Fear that some children have ghosts. All the fears described above are only psychological fears. We cannot say whether these will happen or not. Some fear that they will go to hell for the mistakes they have made, and some fear that death will greet them.

Usually all such fears will be reduced if we change our way of thinking, but some fears are caused by human behavior. Irresponsibility, misbehaving with others, mocking and insulting are human habits. I am only talking about some people. Some people feel fear due to such behavior. Due to these fights, murders and many bad situations happen. To overcome these it depends on the mental growth of the other person. Every day many people are victims of such things.

All we have to do for this is to teach those around us, because the more the good, the more it grows. Some people are afraid that they will be fired because they have not done well at work. This requires persistence, I must think that I can do it, I must do it. A person is always wise, but a group is not. They show all their fears on others. That's why we have to impress others with our good deeds. Even if it's bad, we should think about how to change it for good without thinking too much about it.

Sometimes some people are encouraging those who do bad things, they only lose but do not gain. Such people need to be told that by doing that you will make others feel bad. I know many people have heard it, but we should try our best. If we think about it, everyone has a trick. We should know it a lot. It should be implemented. Everyone who is educated is not wise, and even those who are educated are not ignorant. I believe that it is in our way of thinking.

If you found any inconsistency in my grammer or sentence formation, it's because first i wrote my thoughts in my native language in google translate and then convert it into english. Thanks for understanding.