Finally She Died with Her Words

in #hive-15385019 days ago

Hello Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. Alcohol and other Drugs directly affect our brain. God has blessed us with a fast electric network in the form of neurones. Either it is Alcohol or any other drug, they disturbs the complex network of interneurons. When we have taken them either by orally or by injecting in our muscles, we lose our control on our brain. We sooner entered into the state of unconscious and anything happening around us looked like a dream. When these things are administered into our body regularly then they become the part of body addiction. I have witnessed some examples where some alcohol drinkers have left very lethal examples and big lessons for the whole world.



Alcohol and Family

Pakistan is an Islamic state where all sorts of drinks having alcohol can't be traded openly. There are some Super Markets in Government Certified Malls where we can buy Murree Brewery and Quetta Distillery. These drinks are too much costly and available only for foreigners otherwise you should have licences or permit letter from government for their open trading. Years ago when my age was probably 17 Years, I had eye-witnessed a bad story about a family in our neighbourhood. This family was known as the most rich and noble family in our society. They were indeed happy people and more generous. I didn't know what had happened to their happiness because they suffered by a downfall when a very strange thing happened.


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There were about four family members while the leader of the house become addicted of Alcohol Consumption. His wife was a God-fearing Lady while his two sons were still young and busy in enjoying the colourful part of Lahore. Club Dancing and Smoking were their common habits. Their mother not only warned them about the intoxication of drugs but also tried her best to keep her husband away from Alcohol Consumption. Daily we had to hear the loud voices by the conflicts of this family. Most of the times this lady came to our house because she was my mother's good friend and started crying by sharing his pain. She was very worried about the insane condition of their sons and husband. One night, we heard the Police alarm and I came outside to notice the situation because it was probably first time that police had made a rade in our neighbourhood. I saw one ambulance and last scene was the carcass of the lady. I can still remember the blood spotted clothes covering the dead body. I was feeling like the earth had started tossing and my head was spinning like the Sky had burst on me. I couldn't share the bad news about the death of my mother's friend and decided to investigate in the morning.

When I went near the house of affected family, I came to know that the lady had broken two bottles of Whisky purchased by his husband who was busy in drinking at home. His husband took his knife and pierced into the abdomen of the lady. Her body was shaking on the ground while blood was oozing like a flood. I could observe the bloody paint on the wall at that day. Her merciless husband was busy in crushing her body with the knife until the soul of the lady separated from her body and she died. After this oppression, when this person came into his consciousness, he came to realise what wrong he had done. They were not two bottles that had engulfed the life of God-fearing Lady, it was his bad addiction of alcohol.



I saw him crying, shedding tears but it was not a right time. After few days, he committed suicide in the cell. There were no one guardian for the carcass of this unlucky person. Although police tried to contact his sons but they were not found anywhere like they had made a dug into earth and hidden themselves there.

After three days, the sons returned at home because they were probably busy in the enjoyment of club life and dance parties and were informed about the ruthless death of her mother and suicide of his father in the jail. It was a big shocking and saddest news for them. Now they were repenting upon what they were doing with their life but I like other neighbours could share only condolences with them. After this incident although these most unluckiest sons promised to change their lifestyle but there was nothing that could be returned. It was the incident that had opened the eyes of many alcohol drinkers in my neighbourhood and they left alcohol consumption immediately.

Final Thoughts

I respect all religions but being Muslim I'm against the consumption of anything that resulted into lose of our consciousness. When we lose control over our brain, we always made many blunders in our life. There are many examples in Lahore where Too much Alcohol Consumption brought the end of many families. Although I have not taken any alcohol drink in my life and never I have desired for it but I can imagine those painful screamings into my ears whenever I observe any whisky around me. Although people don't like to sit with alcohol drinkers but I can sit and share many stories. Sometimes I have mercy for their bad addiction and sometimes I like to leave many advices about the blind use of Alcohol. Finally they are people who take last decision about their lives and we can't do anything. I hope you have learned many things from my story. Thanks!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I cant imagine the gruesomeness of this man because of two bottles of whiskey. It's a pity. A family disbanded because of whiskey.

Apparently it looked that whisky was the reason. But the person was in alcoholic condition and unable to control on his aggression.

Alcohol truly is a killer and has so much bad effects on health and society on a whole.

It is the main reason, we need to educate people about its toxicity. Thank you for your contribution.

That was one sad story to hear about your neighbor. Most of the times when such things happen, the people under the influence of alcohol already have some issues with them and they just use alcohol to try to forget those problems.

Yeah, I can understand. There are people who like to drink Because they want to kill time and are found hurt and sad. It was biggest lose I have witnessed with my eyes. Thanks you for sharing your point of view b

It would be much better if people just goes to sleep after getting drunk and avoid doing bad things.

Pakistan is s Muslim country and most Muslims don't like drinking alcohol at all, I guess your country is exempted from going crazy in alcohol

Although Pakistan is a Muslim Country but I have found that there are Christians families who consume alcohol freely.

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There are tons of stories about how alcohol destroyed the peace of many families. I don't get the point of why one needs to consume alcohol as a drink. I never support anyone to consume it as I can't see any benefit of taking it.