Splinterlands — It's time to shine, ODD monsters!

in #hive-133232 months ago


Welcome everyone 👋, I'm back again with a new post for the Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

This week, the ruleset we have to introduce for this challenge is the Odd Ones Out ruleset, which forces players to only play cards with odd mana costs. This ruleset only affects monsters, so summoners are immune to it. As simple as that, there are no tricks to this ruleset, other than remembering which powerful units are not available to play as Djinn Oshannus and taking advantage of that.

You may want to take precaution with the Sneak and Opportunity abilities, as they still have a lot of units to play with this ruleset. Some of the most used are:

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Keep in mind, that there is only one unit with the Flank ability that has odd mana. Same with the Halving ability.

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Personally, I like this ruleset, as I can play with cards that I don't normally play and am forced to use them. I like that.

Random Idea: It would be very interesting to see a very powerful summoner and maybe OP, its ability could be that it grants 4 melee attack to 3 monsters, but forces you to only play odd mana cards.

Now let's analyze a high ranking battle, Champion league, on the Modern Format:
Hanv VS Maisiewss!

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In this battle, in addition to the Odd Ones Out ruleset, all monsters will hit their targets due to the Aim True ruleset. And thanks to the Close Range ability, all ranged attack monsters will be able to attack even in the first position.


The first player, Hanv, decides to play with Lorkus as his summoner. This summoner will increase the attack of melee and ranged monsters by +1. And not only that, the player can choose between giving the Life Leech and Affliction or the Trample and Fury abilities to two monsters. Hanv opted for the first options.

Djinn Muirat, a strong death unit perfect for this ruleset. It has 5 abilities, its Void Armor ability, which allows magic attacks to hit this unit's armor before their health, and due to its Magic Reflect, the magic attacker will take half the damage (rounded up) back. Any attack with power 5 or higher that Muirat would receive, only takes 1 damage instead. If Muirat attacks an enemy that is stunned, it deals double damage. And it also does double damage if the enemy unit has 10 or more mana, as Muirat doesn't like them.

Fenmoor Haunt, will be the next unit. Only deals 2 melee damage at max level but +1 thank to Lorkus. He is the first sneak unit in this lineup, meaning he will attack the last enemy unit instead of the first. Fenmoor takes reduced damage from magic attacks by 50% thanks to his Void ability. And every time a unit dies, he will gain +1 max health.

Silent Sha-Vi, another sneak monster, but faster and more powerful. The attacks of this sneak, will cause the enemy unit to lose 1 max health due to its Cripple ability, which can stack. And it also has piercing attacks, if it deals more damage than the enemy unit's armor, the remainder will damage the unit's health.

Uraeus, the last snake and sneak monster of this lineup. Its attacks have Poison, which makes enemies attacked by Uraeus have a 50% chance of being poisoned. Poisoned units lose -2 health at the start of each round.

Chaos Jailer, in the fifth position who will act before the battle begins, better knows as the ambush round, and will attack the unit with the lowest health on the enemy team due to his Opportunity ability. His attacks, like his ally Uraeus, have a 50% chance to apply Poison to the enemy unit. And lastly, Jailer will slow the enemy units by 1.

And in the last position, since the player only has 1 mana left, he chooses Chaos Agent, who has a 25% higher chance to evade melee and ranged attacks. This card has the Phase ability, which means it can evade magic attacks as if they were melee or ranged attacks. And if an enemy misses their attack against this unit, they will take 2 melee damage due to the Backfire ability.



The second player, Maisiewss, chooses Cryptic as the summoner, allowing the player to decide between granting the Retaliate and Enfeeble or the Poison and Expose ability to two monsters. She opted for the second option, the poison ability which we already know how it works, but what does the new Expose ability do?, This gives the unit an 80% chance to remove Immunity, Forcefield, Lookout, Reflection Shield, Shield, Void or Void Armor after a successful attack. Additionally, Cryptic passively reduces the enemy's speed by 1, and grants them the Blind ability, causing them a 15% chance to miss their attacks.

Maisiewss almost played with the same monster lineup as her opponent. The difference was the she played only 5 units, and Venka the Vile, a legendary unit that deals 7 melee damage. Venka can attack from any position, and if her attacks exceed that of the enemy armor's, the remainder damage will damage the enemy unit's health. Additionally, if the enemy has no attacks or is trained, she deals double damage. And lastly, if Venka defeats an enemy unit, she perform another attack on the next creature.


Ambush Round:
Chaos Jailer attacks and destroys the armor of Enemy Uraeus.

Round 1:
-☠️Chaos Agent is defeated by Silent Sha-vi (Cryptic).
-Fenmoor Haunt (Lorkus) destroys ☠️Silent Sha-vi (Cryptic).
-Uraeus (Lorkus) destroys ☠️Enemy Uraeus.
(Venka the Vile is poisoned by Chaos Jailer)

Round 2:
-☠️Djinn Muirat (Lorkus) is defeated by Venka the Vile.
-Uraeus (Lorkus) destroys ☠️Enemy Fenmoor Haunt.
-Chaos Jailer destroys ☠️Venka the Vile.

Round 3:
-Uraeus ends the battle by destroying Enemy☠️Djinn Muirat.

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Both players almost used the same lineup, and mostly sneak monsters. Could this have happened because it could only be played with odd mana cards? Most likely yes, and also because they both used death cards, which for now have 2 sneak units that cost odd mana in the modern format. And only sneak neutral units costs odd mana.

Hanv chose a better lineup this time, in addition to the sneaks units, he played an opportunity unit that helped them. On the other team, Venka the Vile despite having 7 melee attack, couldn't do much as only Muirat helped it attack linearly.

Hanv' units quickly destroyed the monsters on the enemy lineup, starting with the monsters in the backline positions and after that, the enemy Djinn Muirat could not alone and was also defeated.


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Uraeus (Team Hanv) with a triple kill.


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Enjoy great battles and a great experience with it.

That's all for now, take care and see you on the battlefield!


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