From is an American horror-thriller TV series created by John Griffin. The series was directed by Jack Bender and the performances are top-notch. I was pleasantly surprised by From, a series I first heard about around Christmas dinner, and which has now completely captivated me. With an intense and dark atmosphere, the series sets a high standard for horror thrillers, and it had me hooked from the first episode.😃
The series is about a group of people who are trapped in a mysterious small town where no one can escape. At night, the residents are haunted by terrifying creatures that hunt them and the only ones who are safe are those who have managed to stay hidden. It explores both the psychological stresses of being trapped in this town, and the dark secrets that the residents try to hide. With a mix of intense horror experiences, emotional moments and mysterious events, From is an exciting and terrifying journey that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The script is well written, and the action keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The characters are believable, and each actor does a fantastic job of conveying the emotional and intense moments that the series consists of. From the eerie setting to the terrifying, almost claustrophobic events, it's hard not to get carried away. One of the most impressive aspects is how the series develops, and how it draws you into its universe with unpredictability and depth. Overall, From has exceeded my expectations, and I look forward to seeing what happens next. A solid recommendation for horror and thriller lovers! I would give the series a strong 8, maybe 9 out of 10.
Here is a trailer.🎬️
Hope to see you in the next post, have a great day everyone! And thank you very much for stopping by. Il be back! 😏
Sources: All images/screenshots are taken by me unless otherwise stated.