In the dream world nothing is impossible. Sometimes when you begin to imagine things while you're awake, you can be so much into your own imaginations that when you drift off to sleep, your imaginations start playing in the form of dreams. Sometimes you don't even need to imagine anything, all you need to do is to keep watching one thing over and over again until it becomes part of the things you visualize in your subconscious mind. The dream world is a place of possibilities, sometimes you don't even need to imagine anything or meditate on anything to have a dream, most times dreams come from things far beyond your imaginations and the most amazing thing is that there are dreams that come to reality.
Source: Youtube
I figured out that most times when I don't have anything in mind I am likely to dream of something which could be anything but when I do pray before sleeping, I found out that the dreams I will have will be likely one to happen or one that will teach me something.
Though there are differences between vision, trance, dreams etc. Dreams can be a way through which good or bad spirits transmit a message. I also figured out that there are certain types of dreams which you can be having and still be very much conscious that you're dreaming and with your thoughts you can manipulate or change the things you're seeing in the dream.
There are also many who barely dream at all, while this may seem abnormal, some imaginations are classified as dreams by some people.
Like when one is asked, “where do you see yourself in the next ten years to come? "This question immediately triggers the person's mind to come up with a picture of a place and the physical appearance of what they believe they will look like in the next ten years to come.
Many times there have been many dreams but I feel the dream which I consider to be rare, is having a dream while you're dancing and listening to music. While this type of music may be rare, it does not mean that music has no spiritual relevance but in fact for the fact it's rare to have a dream like that means it represents a specific meaning or carries a message which is not to be confused with an ordinary created by imaginations.
When I made a research on what It meant to have dream of dancing my findings were as follows:
Dreaming of dancing can represent freedom and it can symbolize any other good thing which is necessary for survival. Having a dream where someone is dancing can symbolize that something which will bring happiness is on the way and there is a chance that the particular person you saw in the dream can be the one to witness it. Each dream always has a message it passes through but I feel the worst is not dreaming at all. A lot of people believe that the spiritual controls the physical and it is true because before anything comes to physical manifestation, it must first of all be processed and approved beyond the physical realm.
There are beings who can assess detailed information concerning a person in the spiritual realm especially the witches and some others both the good and the bad, some good prophets can assess things in the realm. Things can be changed or even taken away before it's happening. That's why having a good dose of knowledge in certain spiritual matters is quite necessary. Because sometimes even when you think everything it's all good, it may really not be all good. One thing which is quite unique in all is that good music delights the heart of its listeners and in the dream world dancing entails a special thing in the form of blessing, something that will bring about joy and happiness which will happen in reality sooner or later.
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