Ibiza's little shoals that made me think about the UN's 2030 Sustainable Development Goals [Eng - Esp]

in #hive-1277883 months ago



Ibiza's little shoals that made me think about the UN's 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

Dear friends of Hive and Amazing Nature, I hope you are doing great! This time I am bringing you a little part of the place where I live that seems very small, but is actually an exponent of the quality of the ecosystem of Santa Eulalia.

As I have said in previous posts, I am not used to seeing animals in public areas. For example, I saw them in London and was fascinated, but in Mendoza, my hometown where I lived practically all my life, there were no animals like that, apart from pigeons and stray dogs.

That is to say, it was an exception to be able to contemplate animals such as ducks, and I did so on some trips.

For this reason, these shoals attracted my attention the other day walking along the Rio de Santa Eulalia.

Although I walk that way quite often, this was the first time I saw the fish. I knew they were there, because there are fishermen who spend hours on the banks of the river, but I had never seen them swimming so calmly and, above all, so close to the surface.


Los pequeños cardúmenes de Ibiza que me hicieron reflexionar sobre los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2030 de la ONU

Queridos amigos de Hive y de Amazing Nature, espero que estén de maravilla! En esta oportunidad les acerco una partecita del lugar en donde vivo que parece muy pequeña, pero que en verdad es un exponente de la calidad del ecosistema de Santa Eulalia.

Como he dicho en publicaciones anteriores, no estoy acostumbrada a ver animales en zonas públicas. Por ejemplo, los vi en Londres y estaba fascinada, pero en Mendoza, en mi ciudad natal y en donde viví prácticamente toda mi vida, pues no habían animales así, más allá de palomas y perritos callejeros.

Es decir, era una excepción el hecho de poder contemplar animales como patos, y lo hacía en algunos viajes.

Por este motivo, estos cardúmenes llamaron tanto mi atención el otro día caminando al lado del Río de Santa Eulalia.

Aunque hago ese camino con bastante frecuencia, esta fue la primera vez un vi los peces. Sabía que estaban, porque hay pescadores que pasan horas al costado del Río, pero jamás los había visto tan tranquilamente nadando y sobre todo, tan cerca de la superficie.







The river water in this area is pretty good I would say. I think it's a really good environment for fish. For humans, not so much, at least not in this area, because there are a lot of ducks and I don't see a constant flow of water. The speed of movement is also practically imperceptible, so I often think that it must be a very polluted area. In addition to this, there is a very bad smell in this area, so I don't know if this river has become a sewage drain.

What is certain is that the fish were very happy.

As you can see in the pictures, they were of different sizes and all of them were in their respective groups, except for some much bigger ones that were in pairs.

I have no idea of the species of these animals, but they sure had me watching them for a while.

El agua del río en esta zona, está bastante bien diría. Creo que para los peces es un ambiente realmente propicio. Para los humanos la verdad es que no tanto, al menos no en esta zona, porque hay muchos patos y no veo que haya un flujo constante de agua. La velocidad de movimiento además, es prácticamente imperceptible, por lo que muchas veces pienso que debe ser una zona bastante contaminada. A esto se le suma que en este sector, hay muy mal olor, por lo que tampoco se si este río se ha convertido en un desagüe cloacal.

Lo cierto es que los peces iban muy felices.

Como pueden ver en las fotos, los había de diferentes tamaños y todos iban en sus respectivos grupos, a excepción de algunos mucho más grandes que iban de a dos.

No tengo idea de las especies de estos animales, pero sí que me tuvieron un buen rato observándolos.











I couldn't catch any of them, it would make me very sad, and at that time there were no fishermen around, so I think that's what made them move closer to the shore and to the surface.

Although it is perhaps hard to believe, when I moved, the fish, in a second, would change direction, in a group and move away from the bank towards the centre of the river. And at one point, I walked a lot further to take more pictures of them, and they just disappeared from my sight, so they obviously dived.

No podría pescar a ninguno, me daría mucha tristeza, y en ese momento no habían pescadores cerca, por lo que creo que eso los llevó a acercarse a la orilla y a la superficie.

Aunque sea quizás difícil de creer, cuando yo me movía, los peces, en un segundo cambiaban de dirección, en grupo y se alejaban de la orilla en dirección al centro del río. Y en un momento, caminé bastante más para tomarles más fotos, y directamente desaparecieron de mi vista, por lo que evidentemente se sumergieron.













They were not goldfish, of course, let's say they were not beautiful in their aesthetics, but I thought it was beautiful to see them there, free, in their own ecosystem, in an aquatic ecosystem closely related to the terrestrial one.

And then I remembered my days working in the municipality of Guaymallén in Mendoza, in Territorial Planning, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 came to my mind, where the balance of terrestrial and marine ecosystems is one of the goals to be achieved.

I remembered the amount of waste that I have so often seen on the sides of rivers, and I also remembered that a few weeks ago I was told that during the summer, the coast of Ibiza is totally dirty and polluted as a result of tourism. They told me that they are grateful for the winter, because then the sea can be cleaned.

I wondered what will become of these fish and the other forms of life in this river and in this sea, now that summer is here and now that tourism is more active.

No eran peces de colores, claro, digamos que no eran bellos en su estética, pero a mi me pareció hermoso verlos ahí, libres, en su propio ecosistema, en un ecosistema acuático estrechamente relacionado con el terrestre.

Y entonces me acordé de mis días trabajando en el municipio de Guaymallén en Mendoza, en Ordenamiento Territorial, y vinieron a mi mente los Obsetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2030 de la ONU, en donde el equilibrio de los ecosistemas terrestre y marino son una de las metas a alcanzar.

Recordé la cantidad de residuos que tantas veces he visto a los costados de los ríos, y recordé también que hace unas semanas me contaron que durante el verano, la costa de Ibiza queda totalmente sucia y contaminada a consecuencia del turismo. Me dijeron que agradecen el invierno, porque así el mar se puede limpiar.

Me pregunté que será de estos peces y de las otras formas de vida en este río y en este mar, ahora que el verano llegó y ahora que el turismo está más activo.









I share these photos not only because I find the shots beautiful (with my iPhone, it's the best I could do), but also to raise awareness that there are multiple forms of life that we do not see in nature, but that are impacted by our own activities.

These life forms, although we do not see them, also contribute to the balance of our own ecosystem, as they are part of a whole in which plants, animals and humans coexist.

Comparto estas fotos no solo porque me parecen preciosas las tomas (con mi iPhone, es lo mejor que pude hacer), sino también para aportar a la toma de conciencia, de que hay múltiples formas de vida que no vemos en la naturaleza, pero que reciben el impacto de nuestras propias actividades.

Esas formas de vida, aunque no lo veamos, también aportan al equilibrio de nuestro propio ecosistema, pues son parte de un todo en el que plantas, animales y humanos coexistimos.


I hope you’ve enjoy the post!

Thanks a lot for being here!

With love,


Espero que hayas disfrutado el post!!

Muchas gracias por estar aquí!

Con cariño,


Device: iPhone 12 Pro
Translation: DeepL

Dispositivo: iPhone 12 Pro
Traducción: DeepL




How are you dear friend @belug good morning
Being close to nature and seeing how everything flows so naturally is an unforgettable experience. How beautiful it is to have witnessed this beauty.
Your photographs are beautiful, have a wonderful week

Keep up the good work. 👏

You are loved. 🤗 + u deserve the best. 💪

Curated by Mystic artist Gudasol

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Very interesting how such small fish can teach us big lessons about our environment. Seeing them thrive in their natural habitat makes me reflect on our impact and the need to protect ecosystems like this one. Great blog good friend

Thanks for sharing these interesting photos and your perspective regarding sustainability... When we came to Spain, I couldn't believe that most of the rivers were heavily polluted, and almost without any life inside them! Lately, things are getting better, but the process is slow... While I was reading your post, I thought that things have changed at your place, but it looks like "summer/tourist" pollution is still causing big damage to the ecosystem...
I hope these things will change and we will take better care of the wildlife around us...

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