The Dance of Joy and Sorrow: Embracing Life’s Ups and Downs

in #hive-15385017 days ago

Although everybody wants a peaceful environment, not everyone is blessed with it. Many people like to party and meet new people but are sad in real life too and are not used to staying alone. Perhaps whenever they are alone, loneliness must be running to bite them. Even if we don't want it, happiness and sadness remain with us. Sometimes there is happiness and sometimes sadness and this is the process of life, we cannot run away from all this but if your life becomes perfect then you will probably get bored and is a perfect life even a life? From there we go on routing, the same the next day, and the day after. We are all stuck in our lives and something or the other keeps happening.



Life gives us all a chance to do something or the other, it depends on us weather we miss that chance or accept it as an opportunity. There are many things in our lives because sometimes our life becomes much easier but believe me, there is a solution to everything, you just need to find it. By the way, we all must have made a lot of sacrifices in our lives, we remember some things and some things we don't remember. It all depends on what that thing is and how those things have affected our lives.

Well, everywhere in the corporate world there is a lot of toxicity, there are very few places where the atmosphere is very good. What I have felt is that if there are fewer people on the staff then the atmosphere there is very good and there is a lot of love and friendship among all, but as the staff keeps on increasing, groups also keep on forming and in this way, a lot of things change. It has been five years since I have been working at the place where I work and since then I have seen this company growing and this is also a good thing because as the company is becoming bigger, we are also forming groups and everyone is working together, it feels good to see but I don't know why there are some people everywhere who are ready to create a ruckus over small things and they enjoy a lot in troubling others and giving pain to others. I can say with confidence that you too must know some such person around you where you work whose nature is like this.

But where there are such people, there are good people too and in our office there is a team leader like this, seeing him almost all his team members are happy or I should say the maximum office staff are happy, there are just some people who are not happy with him but are associated with him, I don't know why it is like this, everything is known from the nature of the person. Sometimes without speaking, we understand a lot about the person or what they are thinking about you and many other things. Although small fights keep happening everywhere, sometimes it happens that even small fights take a serious form and we all have to suffer its ill effects, if any two members of your family fight or one gets angry with the other, then the atmosphere in the family becomes a little strange, the same happens in the office where you work because you have to spend almost your whole day there, if the atmosphere there is not good then you never feel like working and if the atmosphere there is good and pleasant then you also enjoy working there more.



So the team leader who thinks about everyone's goodwill, often his companions become bigger and I don't know why this happens with good people only, nowadays it has become bigger and I feel very sad to see this, but like me, all the other team members are very happy with the team leader type and they are ready to do anything for him, all this happens only because of bonding and love, you can get your work done from people by taking advantage of your position, but people themselves give respect, you cannot buy it, you have to earn it. A few months back when there was a dispute between the team leaders in our office regarding something, without fighting, he handled things in such a way that there was no point in fighting.

That day his respect for him increased because he thought about others and most people these days don't do that, they only think about themselves and they don't care about anything more than that. But if you do something for them then in times of trouble other people also stand by you and this is what happens often even if he is being let down in the eyes of others or his people but those who work with him know his nature and always stand by him and this is a very good thing. I felt happy to see that after that day his steps were taken and a little peaceful atmosphere returned to the office and those who used to be with him started to walk even more but the rest of the people were happy that this time their team leader won and in the end everything was settled peacefully.

Believe me, life is not like a picture where everything becomes good in the end, there are ups and downs in life, they keep on going and this is perhaps the secret of life that you cannot know what will happen the next moment, so wherever you work or anywhere at home, live with people with love and happiness because happiness increases by sharing and if you can bring a smile on anybody's face then it is a big thing because nowadays someone is always sad if you can do something for them then it is a very big thing.

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, Let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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Everyone is not same and good and bad people coexist at the same time. In every places there must be one people who is bad. I think in the current time most of the people in office don't take any step back to establish peace. If anyone do it, then s/he must be a very very good person.

No ups without downs, flatline means dead…

yes you are right, thanks a lot for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. have a great day and week ahead.

!giphy indeed


You're welcome ;-)

Why did the scarecrow win an Oscar ?
He was best in his field .

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!giphy thank you so much

This is something I carry in my heart: life is full of ups and downs, and knowing this can even be comforting. When we think bad situations won't pass, we just need to remember that everything is a phase. When we are experiencing something good, it is wise to know that it won't last forever. As much as it hurts, it's good to be prepared.


!giphy thank you so much


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!giphy thank you so much

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!giphy thank you so much


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