By the way, everyone has their own choice of songs, some people like new songs, some people like old songs, everyone has their own choice, some people like rap, some people like slow music and the songs of all of us keep changing according to the mood, when our mood is off, then we feel like listening to all the songs, when our mood is off, we like to listen to sad songs, there are many people who listen to the same type of music, but now in the age of internet, you have unlimited options and in such a situation, will be someone who has the same type of basic ability, often you must have seen that the kind of songs you listen to once or twice, the same starts appearing in your feeds as well, but if I talk about old songs and songs of today, then there is a lot of difference between old songs and songs of today, earlier classic music and slow music used to be played, the lyrics of old songs were quite different, but if I talk about today, then the lyrics of today are very fast and perhaps even if they come, they are not understood. We have to listen them again and again.
If you talk about the old artists, they used to sing very slowly and their lyrics were very understandable. I like the songs of Jagjit Singh and old singers a lot. I would not say that I listen to only such songs. I also listen to my local cultural songs and see, that songs keep changing according to the mood but I'm not too fond of new songs that much because right now I do not find them very special. I sometimes listen to beats here and they also prove to be very helpful when I am doing some work. See, with time everything keeps changing, similarly, music is changing. Earlier people used to like different types of songs, now people like different types of songs. If you see, nowadays many new singers or artists also make remixes of old songs. They keep stealing the principles of old songs and creating something new. Sometimes it seems that maybe they do not have anything new to do. As you see, only old songs are very popular and these are being presented in the form of new movies and new albums.
If you listen to or read the songs of any old singer or composer, you will notice how much depth they used to have, but today's songs, even if their tune is good and the music is quite loud, more than half of the songs are just rubbish. Perhaps today's youth likes such songs, perhaps that is why this type of artist is also very popular, but I feel that the importance of old songs is different and it can never end. I would say that old is gold and old songs are liked and I feel that perhaps the new artists and new singers should make slow music and songs. If you listen, anything is being made in the name of hip hop and it is also becoming popular because perhaps the young generation likes such songs, but the likes are not the same, not everyone likes the same type of artist.
I will not say that any new artist or singer is useless, see everybody works hard and everybody has to make an identity in there profession, therefore to get a different identity, everybody does something or the other which is different. So that they can get popularity easily, some people get it very easily. Still, some people have to work very hard for it and give a lot of time for it, see somebody does importance. Still, if someone is doing the same kind of hard work then maybe he/she does not get the result, if you are working in any field then you should keep trying something different, you do not know what kind of thing will work for you, what kind of thing people will like, once you break all these things then things become very easy for you.
Nowadays, the era of old songs is less but the old songs are very popular. If you see, the old songs and old ghazals are very famous and are still heard and people often enjoy them. Whenever you are travelling on public transport, if you play an old song, then probably a lot of people will start singing that song or will dance to its tune, but if you play a new song, then probably this will not happen, very few people will be able to understand that song. So you can understand how precious the old songs are and they are still being used, new songs keep coming and going, but if you see, the old songs have always been there and will always be there, there must be a special reason for it, you feel this, I would say that there used to be a lot of deep thoughts in the songs, maybe that is why the songs are more popular.
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