
in #hive-1707989 days ago


“Hey sist, can you please cover up for me?”

“So that what will happen Agnes?”

“Ok, ok… I have a party to attend and I'm going.”

“What party? And who invited you? Because last I checked us unpopular, uncool and less deserving under dogs don't get invited to parties. So what party, Agnes?”

“Aaron invited me. It's his parents anniversary and he wants me to be there.”

“Aaron? As in Aaron James, the most popular guy on the block invited you for his family party?” Grace questioned as she chuckled lightly.

“Yes, he did.” Agnes responded hastily, as she felt a bit uneasy being interrogated by her elder sister Grace.

“Aww, you are one to dream sist, so whose invite did you steal?” Grace questioned.

“I told you, Aaron invited me.” Agnes defended with an undertone of irritation.

“Well, I'm not buying it. If ever Aaron invited you, then I bet it's to make a mockery of you. I wouldn't honor such invite if I were you.”

“Shut up Grace! Just shut up. I am going to that party whether you cover me or not.”

“Well, have fun storming the castle sist. Let's see what mom and dad have to say with you abandoning your duty to the family, just because of some stupid invite from someone who would never care about you.”

“Whatever Grace, I'm not ready for your nonsense. I have a party to prepare for. Adios.”

“Children! They will never listen.” Grace muttered underneath her breath, turning her head both ways, as she got on kneading the dough for pastries.

Later that evening, the girls were seated with their aged parents having a quiet dinner when Grace broke the silence.

“Aaaahem”, Grace cleared her throat as she eyeballed Agnes, whose gaze was fixated on her meal.

“Everything ok there?” Mariam, their mother inquired.

“Oh nothing mom, it's just that Agnes have decided to be a rebel. She seems to have forgotten her place on the social ladder.”

“Agnes, what's this talk your sister is yapping about?” Fred, their father questioned.

Agnes chewed briefly, then swallowed loudly on her meal as she responded to her father, telling him about Aaron and the party slated in a few days time.

“You are not going to that party Agnes, I forbid you!” Fred yelled with bloodshot eyes.

“But dad, I was invited for the party.”

“How Agnes? How were you invited to a place that you are not even wanted? Are Aaron's parents aware that their son invited you for their family party?”

“Why does it matter dad? Aaron and I have been friends from a distance and he wants me to share in his family's merriment, what's wrong with that?.”

“What did you call your friendship child? Friends from a distance and both our families would love to keep it that way.”

“What's going on? Mom, say something. Don't just keep quiet and watch father with Grace bully me”.

“They are right Agnes, you cannot attend the party. Unless of course Grace goes with you.”

“What? What the hell mom? I'm not going there. Dad, Say something.” Grace revolted.

“Mariam what's this? What are you trying to do?”

“Relax Freddie, you are old, stop bearing grudges. It's been over a decade and I think it's time we move on from the past.” Turning to Grace, Mariam continued, “you should make peace, not war.”

An unusual silence befell the room as Marian spoke to her family. If there's one thing Mariam is good at, it's her convincing skill.

Reluctantly, Grace agreed to accompany Agnes to the party, but not without Fred warning her to be vigilant.

The party finally came and since both girls were in attendance, their business had to close down as both parents were retired from active service and couldn't possibly cover up for them.


“Come on in Grace, you can't possibly attend the party from outside.” Agnes said to Grace as she extended her hand to Grace for support.

“I really shouldn't be here Agnes, I'm just doing this for mother.” Grace said hushly, as both girls held hands into the James mansion.

“What is she doing here? Who invited this thief to my home," Isabella yelled pointing to Grace, causing everyone to stare at both sisters as they walked in.

“Mother please, I invited Agnes, she's my guest." Aaron came defending.

“You forget so soon how this girl, this wretched thief stole my wedding ring, our family's heritage, yet you invite her sister here?”

“Mother please, you are making a scene."

“See what you caused Agnes, are you happy now that I'm humiliated?”

“Grace, I'm sorry”, Agnes pleaded.

“Mother, Grace is not a thief, that ring was never found in her possession, stop making a scene!” Abel scolded his mom.

“Look everyone, the tramp sisters have turned my sons against me.”

“Isabella control yourself. This is supposed to be our anniversary, let the past remain in the past.” Pedro scolded his wife who was already fuming, breathing heavily as her heart constricted tightly, causing her to collapse.

Isabella choked and stretched, gasping for air as she dragged on her family members who rushed to her side. Her eyes turned and her face went pale, the whole atmosphere got tensed with emergency response taking too long.

Just as it seemed Isabella was gone, Grace rushed to her almost lifeless body with a knife, tearing her clothes and cutting off her tight clothing.

She requested the Air conditions be turned off and the heaters turned on to warm up the place, She requested for some mentholated ointment of which she applied on Isabella's palm, feet, chest, forehead and throat.

After which, she proceeded to give Isabella CPR and just as the emergency team arrived, Isabella regained consciousness, gasping for air heavily.


The emergency team took charge of Isabella and wheeled her away. The James family kept thanking Grace and offered her rewards for saving Isabella's life, but Grace turned all down.

“It's quite late and I just want to go home with my sister,” Grace said to Pedro who wanted them to stay some more.

“Can I at least drive you girls home?” Abel volunteered, while Agnes agreed, Grace turned him down.

Both girls were half way close to home when Abel drove by, crossing their path. He got down from his car, went on his knees and begged Grace to forgive him. He asked to be forgiven for not defending Grace years back when his mother accused and arrested her.

Grace stood mute and couldn't hold back her tears. She had hardened her heart against the James family all these years and didn't quite prepare for the turn of event that night. Agnes just stood aside to allow her sister decide whether to forgive or not.

Grace and Abel were childhood sweetheart and the moment Abel called her Gracey, she broke down in tears and sobbed like baby.

Eventually, Grace let go of all her grief and forgave Abel.

Fast-forward to the Hospital, Isabella had already regained consciousness and requested to see Grace. At the hospital, both Grace, her family and the James were present at Isabella's bedside.

“Just out of curiosity Grace, how did you know the first aid to give when I was under attack?” Isabella questioned as she sat up right on her sick bed.

“Oh, I have seen similar with my brother, he was before Agnes. My parents would always do that to revive him, he was asthmatic and sadly, we lost him.” Grace responded and silence befell the room afterward as everyone tried to cope with the emotional moment.

After a while, Isabella broke the silence with a confession. Both families listened to her as she revealed to framing Grace up with theft, simply because she did not want her anywhere near her son Abel.

“What did you do with the ring?” Pedro managed to question.

“I sold it.” Isabella responded in a teary voice.

Pedro was angered but at the same time too emotionally overwhelmed to react.

While Isabella begged to be forgiven, Grace and her family had just one request, which is for Isabella to offer a public apology.


Wow! A whole story of intrigue and secrets. I like it when stories reveal facts from the past at the end that changes the whole story. Regards

Thank you dear 🥰

What an intriguing story with so many twists.
I never couldn't have imagined such ending despite the fact,of having flair in that.

I'm glad you enjoyed your read 😘

hello @bipolar95. You have a nice story and arc. I feel it would have been better if we could have seen some foreshadowing of the relationship between Grace and Abel eg: perhaps the way they looked at each other when she arrived at the party, a stolen uncomfortable glance, or expression of thoughts. Your piece would also have benefited from being edited before publication to identify and correct for spelling errors and issues with punctuation and missing words. A little more attention to detail will go a long way to earning a higher curation vote. Please also remember to support the works of at least two other writers each time you submit a story of your own to The Ink Well community. Thank you for writing in The Ink Well :-)

Thank you and noted 🙂


Thank you 🙂.

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