Week 2 What's New With Hive

in #hive-167922last month

Every week I like to do a quick run down of what's new on the hive blockchain. This ranges from core development, DHF, Witnesses and applications running on hive in order to keep myself in the know as much as possible but also share that with the hive community. If it's a shorter week I'll often times run into my own goals which is a way to hold myself accountable but to also motivate me in various aspects of hive.

What's New This Week?

I always like to start with price targets and it's always funny to me how short sighted a vast majority of people are. You see over the last 7 days hive didn't gain or loss any value it's actully the same it was a week ago.

Now if you go back further say 3 months Hive is down nearly 50%. Yep, nearly 50% down in just three months while the rest of the markets have seen a increase. This is proving to us that hive is seriously struggling and that we need to seriously get smarter about expenses around here from the DHF before this blockchain is run into the ground.

Outside of price action we have seen a few updates come out.

One of those places is GolemOverlord which is currently beta testing but looks to be soon released a mini game inside their name game which is some type of auto battler.

The game has actully gotten a number of updates over the last few months and it's honestly good to see one application moving forward quickly.



Goal: 250,000 Current: 114,364

Week over week we had a drastic increase with just a little over 1,000 hive powered up last week in fact it came out to 1,003 hive powered up.

This was mainly because I was making some moves with the HBD with hive prices being so low.


Which makes me feel like this is a perfect time to transition into HBD and the recent change here. Before HBD was paying out a massive 20% APR but through the top 20 witness voters this has been reduced to 15%. Now while people will say it's a bad move I've always said I don't believe the APR should ever be higher what you can earn from staked hive which is roughly 11% (General APR plus Curation APR)

My goals for HBD staking for the most part are gone and I honestly don't care to try and reach a goal with it anymore. While I'll still earn some interest to pay for a few things like InLeo premium and then just some general APR for other odds and ends things. For the most part though the focus is on building hive while prices are down.


Goal: 150,000 Current: 142,342

Week over week we had a rather big boost of 696 Leo which is a massive jump. This is mainly because for whatever reason I wasn't getting any curation or author rewards to dump into hive-engine for about a week. This also means we added roughly 100 LEO per day which is double the amount needed in order to hit the end of the year goal. At this rate I should be hitting the target by October of this year. On top of this InLeo now has an affiliate program going on which actully has some pretty crazy rewards that can be earned. With that we might be able to crush it within this month!


Last night I dropped what I felt was a very important question for the Splinterlands team and honestly what most people are most likely feeling. My hopes are it's addressed at the next town hall and that the answer is well thought out and instills confidence once again to the game.

The goals here are still the same 1 million SPS staked at least and as of this last week we are getting VERY close and I'm actully thinking we will now hit the target and bypass it this year. With prices were they are it honestly doesn't take much to build fat stacks of SPS.

On Top of that we are now also building the liquidity pools to the goals I had which is only $200 in value for both I don't see dumping that much into these pools until land becomes a thing in which case a lot more swapping and trading is going to start happening which should fuel the games economy.

I'm also now making sure I fully max out Chaos in the next few days. Prices are crazy low to the point it only takes a little bit of money to max out a full deck.

Other Hive Goals

I'm pushing forward on getting 1,000 BRO now. It wont be a fast road by any means but it will get there some time most likely next year. I don't want to sacrifice hive as I feel like I could earn more on the hive just holding it myself. But I do want to support one of the few projects which has been making moves as of late.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


@tipu curate

Thank you

Good goals! Would be nice to see you up there as a Dragon :)

Dragon is the goal!

You get quite a bit of benefits with Dragon, early access, first come first serves etc when you sit at the top of my discord.

I agree the HBD drop is not enough. The only people I have seen complaining about it have absolutely NO IDEA about how it works, they only want more dollars in their bags, they don't care about the implications for the rest of the ecosystem.

Those are some great goals, and that would be awesome to see you make it to 250K Hive!

I agree the rate on HBD needed to be cut, it was unsustainable and still may be even at 15%. Time will tell.

Great job on the Leo, you're almost solidly to that goal already. Impressive!

I'm not putting any more money into Splinterlands right now, I'm just hoping they manage to stay alive. I've got a lot assets in the game already. Crossing my fingers...

Keep it up, that's some great work towards those goals!