My Royal Highness!!!

in #hive-15385018 days ago

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Omo… when it comes to alcoholic drinks, it’s not something that I have a lot of stories to tell. I’ve not really been a heavy drinker, neither have I been one to drink on a regular basis. I can’t just be in a place and I’ll suddenly get the urge to take alcohol. So, the only times I’ve taken alcohol is when I’m with friends. It could be a night out with the guys, or when there’s an event of sorts. Now, considering the fact that I’m not one to go out all that often, you can imagine how often I’ve taken alcoholic drinks.

There’s no major reason for this, I’m not against it or anything. I just don’t see the point of taking it when I’m alone. I see alcoholic drinks as celebratory drinks, you take them when you want to party or have fun. It shouldn’t be a part of your normal day. Because the moment it becomes a part of your normal day, that’s when the addiction creeps in and takes over.


However, this does not mean that I don’t have any stories, because when I decide to drink, I usually go all out. Especially after a particularly stressful period where I was working and I just wanted to let off some steam. It always comes in handy.

The last time I drank was a pretty major moment for me. It was a couple of months back when I and my guys got together just to chill. Drinks and food got involved, but later on, it was just drinks. I drank a lot that night, letting myself go. All this happened at night, and the next thing I knew, it was almost dusk the next day. I had passed out.


Thankfully, we were all in the house of one of us and we were all planning to spend the night anyway. Besides, of all my friends, I was the drunkest and the first to drop off. It was a good feeling, I must say. You know how bitter spirits taste, it got to a point where I was no longer feeling it. It was just like chugging water. I’ll take my shot and toss it to the back of my throat, the without even blinking, I’ll swallow it all in one go.

That was how I kept downing it all, it was a crazy night! Anyway, I woke up with one of the worst hangovers that next morning. I could still feel the effects of the alcohol in my system to the point that when I tried to get up, it was as if something was pushing me back down. I had splitting a headache, and I was so sick that I couldn’t eat even though I was hungry. I would take a few spoons and then won’t be able to swallow water anymore. I was just drinking water like a camel.


Before the end of the day though, I became well and I was able to finally laugh about the experience. However, it also made me promise myself that I would not taste alcohol again. Not because of the hangover, but actually because of that drunken state. Thankfully, I’m not someone who misbehaves when drunk, I simply just fall either to the bed or floor once I can’t hold myself anymore. Nothing will get me up from there until my body catches up with my brain once again.

However, that’s not the reason for me leaving alcohol either. What made me swear to stay off it was the blank slate that my brain was during that period. Even now, I only have sketches of that night, I don’t fully know what happened even when I was awake and for some reason, I find that scary. Also, alcohol takes my control, when it’s in my system, I don’t have as much control as I wish and I don’t relish that feeling at all. I’d prefer to always be in command of everything about myself, no matter what.


So, I promised to stay away, thankfully, it won’t be hard. I’ve not developed a craving for it, so I can even be in a gathering where everyone is drinking alcohol and it won’t move me. Just the same way I don’t take drugs or smoke anything at all, alcohol will now be on my list of things not to take.

It’s been a couple of months so far, but it doesn’t really feel like a battle because I’m having it easy. The real battle for me is trying to get off sugar. Now, that is one that is really hard to let go of. But that is a story for another day.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the second topic of this week which is In A Drunken State. Feel free to try it out.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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Why will you be the first person to drop off?😅😅
Make I come greet you so I go bring alcohol come?😅

Hmmmm, you sound like you can drink a lot. I can relate after reading about your time in Bariga.

I lived life in Bariga ooh
From Bariga to Mushin ghetto but now things don change and I’m grateful for that

Hehe.... I was the one drinking the most that day sha... so it's understandable.
Omo... don't bring drink ooo! Na only you go drink am.😂

We gats drink together😅

Drinking is not bad but excess drinking is. I have seen people drink a lot to show off, but at the end they are the person to suffer.

As in ehn... drinking to show off is just crazy. No one gets hurt but themselves. Just funny!

That blank state it leaves people is a terrible thing and it's a terrible thing when we can't even tell what's happened or what's happening around us at that time.

I didn't stop but I don't pass my boundary and my drinking happens mostly indoors.

Omo... I just want to leave it all behind biko. That would be best for me.

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Thank you for this.

Staying away from alcohol is the best thing and I don't see any permanent benefits for consuming it. Besides in the drunken state people can reveal secrets and it can be the worst thing.

Very correct... leaving it all behind!

I appreciate that you make your mind and able to make a distance form the liquors, many do not able to do it. I do not drink so do not have any experience but seen around me that people forget everything once over drunk.