Around The World: Vote for the best photo of the ATW 22/5

in #hive-1844379 days ago


(Google translate from Czech)

Nastává pestrá barevnost podzimu. Tráva pomalu hnědne, listí červená a žloutne.
The colorful colors of autumn are coming. The grass slowly turns brown, the leaves turn red and yellow.

Vote for the best photo of the twenty-second round of the photo contest for all Hive users
Hlasujte pro nejlepší fotografii dvacátého druhého kola fotografické soutěže pro všechny uživatele Hive

𝓐𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭

Vaše fotografie jsou však pestré celý rok. Není divu, že se jimi „ozdobil“ list ořešáku :-)
However, your photos are colorful all year round. It's no wonder that the walnut leaf was "decorated" with them :-)


Vyberte svého favorita, označte svou volbu na grafu ankety. Tím dáte vámi vybrané fotografii svůj hlas.

V dnešní anketě můžete hlasovat pro JEDNU fotografii!!!

Dvě poznámky:
- pořadí fotografií neodpovídá pořadí autorů
- hlasování uživatelů pro vlastní fotografii NEBUDE započítáno do konečného hodnocení!!

Představuji vám soutěžní fotografie:
Choose your favorite, mark your choice on the poll chart. This will give your chosen photo your vote.

You can vote for ONE photo in today's poll!!!

Two notes:
- the order of the photos does not correspond to the order of the authors
- users' votes for their own photo will NOT be included in the final rating!!

I present to you the competition photos:

Krimml Waterfall - Austria

Morning – Hranice na Moravě, Czech Republic

Rytro Castle - Beskid Sądecki mountains, SE Poland

South coast of Lanzarote - Canary Islands (Spain)

The Wheel of Brisbane – Brisbane, Austalia

Photography autors / Autoři fotografií:
@godfish, @merthin, @new.things, @pavelsku, @xaviduran

Anketa bude aktivní do 15:00 SEČ dne 13.10.
The poll will be active until 15:00 CET on October 13.


This is a really interesting post. I did the poll.

I do it every week on Saturday :-)
Thanks for reading and voting.

This time I will go for the wheel, I wish I could ride one.

It's a long way to Brisbane. You will have to find a similar steering wheel in your country in Venezuela :-)
Thanks for reading and voting.


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As usual, all shots are great. I will stick with the Wheel, It's impressive the result and you can feel its hugeness. In contrast with artificial structures you have the humans in a very dynamic scene.

Congrats and thanks to all for share your photos with us all.


I like that you add an emotional dimension to your reviews.
Thanks for reading and voting.