More money, more problem - No money your problem

in #hive-17768218 days ago

When I was in class today, one of my coursemates passed a paper to me and he said I should read what was inside, I did not count him serious at first and just smiled and my partner collected the paper and threw it away, that was when the owner said it contains a motivational quote that I should read.


I took it from the ground and opened it and the first quote I saw there is More money more problem, No money your problem, the quote made a lot of sense to me.

As humans, Our needs is insatiable, the more money we have, the more we crave things that our money can't afford which puts us on our toes to earn more by any means to get the money for that thing we crave, but the twist is the moment we have enough for that thing, we lost interest in it or we don't desire it at much as when we don't have the money and started pursuing another thing that we do not have the means to get...

I still don't understand the reason behind this but It is how all humans are designed, to always crave things we don't have and find those we have less attractive.

To prove this theory


To you reading this post, do you know there was a time that you collected your first salary as a worker, and you wished to earn higher, and at a particular point in your life, you started to earn that amount you wanted for doing your first work but you don't feel satisfied with it anymore because you have grown beyond it and you have more responsibilities.

There was a time when you would be fine with any type of car but now you have a brand product you want that you do not have the money for.

Let us take for an example, the homeless people on the street, right now their prayer is to have a roof over their heads and have 3 square meals per day but if God does this for them, they will start aiming higher which means no matter our position in life, we will never be satisfied with what we have.

A life without money is your own problem because you will have to battle with hunger, suffering, and disrespect from others while a life with money is more expensive because your taste becomes high.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen


That’s why the rich ones keep trying to earn more
No money is enough for its owner

yea, such is life

You’re right
Money was created to solve problems and the more you earn, the more you aim higher…

it is never enough

Hmmmm! More money, more problems...that quote echoes. Humans are not just wired to be contented. We aim for more just like Oliver Twist.

have you become a rapper? lol

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Either way, there will be problems to tackle lol. Because our wants are always changing depending on what catches our attention, which is increasingly fragile nowadays, developing contentment is almost like an impossible task. So many things are available that we can want and try to get.

so right, we just need to control those urges at a certain point if we don't want to go bankrupt

This is just humans for me. It's crazy how we chase after things, but once we get them, we switch to other things. That's why human needs can never be satisfied. We really need to appreciate everything we have and cherish it so much.

yea that is the right attitude, we should learn to count our blessings

Yeah right, this will make us appreciate what we have and what we don't have yet