My favorite means of transportation/my today's cleaning post 29/8/2024

in #hive-15021018 days ago

Your favourite means of transportation.
There are different means of transportation. share with us,what is your favourite means of transportation. why do you choose that particular means?

People today travel by air, sea, river or Land. And in this form of traveling, each person has it's ow favorite way of traveling. But, others might have a different way they chose to travel but can't afford the bills. In this case, they made the available one their favorite means of transportation. So, when the possibility is not there, the availability becomes the solution. When it comes for traveling through waters, some use bots, flyingbots or sheap their favorite depending on their location and income. Traveling by Air is through Airplane. One can only make choices regarding the company tje will travel with. While se who are wealthy got themselves a private jet. Power of money 🤑💰 hehe.

Traveling ny land is another interesting way of traveling which includes, public transport which are not always comfortable. Private cars, bicycle, 🚲. Motorcycles or with leg known as legesi benz hahaha. Among the two above mentioned, traveling by land happens to be the cheapest. Now, when we comes for traveling, what do we actually meant? Well, is a system of moving from ome place to another through waters or sea, by land or leg or through Airplanes line's. So, one can some make choices of traveling regarding his or her capacity, destination, etc.

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My favorite means of traveling


For now, traveling by land is my favorite way of traveling. That doesn't mean that i don't feel like traveling through Airplane or waters. But the truth remains that, i will definitely travel though that means soon. Am not traveling outside country or traveling a far distance for mow but only travel from one place to another. So i can comfortable travel by car to any State in my country here in my state and that's why i made traveling through the land my favorite. How? It's less expensive, and when get to a nice well decorated pack, you will feel comfortable with their sits just like my state the pack. Since i was born, i have been traveling through land, am used to it that's why i made it my favorite traveling. Though it's dangerous due to accidents on the roads but with proper care driving, ot can be prevented

My cleaning post for today 29/8/2024

I have been very busy with the launching of $dogs since three days now and it really affected my hive business. Well, am back and am happy because i didn't expect what happened, it was just like a dream comes through.

I did my cleaning within my neighborhood and all was picked.



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