love with your head don't neglect the base things.

in #hive-110602 months ago

Good day, amazing people of the hive block chain. Welcome back to my blog. This is another edition of the #hivenaija community. This week's topic is an interesting one because many parents got married without knowing their partner's genotype, blood group, and so on.



Endangering the life of the kid due to ignorance by our parents, they were really blinded by love because love is sweet and love overlooks something. There are things that should not be overlooked when marrying someone. When they are overlooked, it may ruin the happiness of the family. What is love without happiness? Don't put yourself in a situation where you will be wasting your life on hospitals. Always love with your head to avoid unnecessary expenses.

If your partner is not really going to go on a medical checkup with you, you know that he is hiding something from you. Run for your dear life. A medical check is very important before you marry anyone.

If our parents had been informed and educated earlier, they could not have made the mistake they did. Most of them regret it because of the suffering of the child and the resources they are wasting in hospitals.

This is one of the best topics I have written about this week, I must say. Love, they say, is a beautiful thing, but most people fail to do the important things before getting married. I am so surprised that in this generation, somebody has been blinded by my love and forgot to do some medical checkups, putting the lives of their born kids in danger.

No matter how blind your love is, maybe there are things you should not neglect because if you do, you will regret it in the future.

I will not like to make the same mistake my parents made. The two lovers loved themselves so much that they could not let go of each other. They were so blonde by love that they failed to run some medical tests when they were dating. Before you knew it, my mom was really pregnant with our first daughter. Both have to marry without checking their genotypes.

My elder sister was always sick; the doctor had to run some tests on her, and it turned out that my elder sister is SS (sicker). What happened when my parents had to run a test and both were AS? They could have avoided this if they had gone for a medical checkup, and my elder sister would not be suffering.



For me, no matter how much I love you, you will show me your medical report before I start anything intimate with you. I don’t buy the idea that love is blind. My own love is not blind. My own love has very big eyes. I know that is funny, but that is the truth. When dating, ask the necessary question for your own good so that you will not end up suffering your born kids. It is not always easy for the sicker patients to pass a lot of pain.

Why not save yourself from unnecessary stress and that of your unborn kids? Go for a medical checkup before you marry anyone. Don't be blinded by love; be guarded and ask the necessary questions.

This is my entry for this week's prompt. I will be delighted to read your post. Click here to participate in the weekly prompt.

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate your comments, support, and upvotes. Have a lovely evening.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Your anger is justified. I would also be angry if I had to watch my sibling suffer due to my parents ignorance. Now, you know what to avoid

Yes dear

If our parents had been informed and educated earlier, they could not have made the mistake they did

Exactly my dear
Chai...I feel for your sister

And I understand your stand on this
Prevention is always better than cure♥️

Thank you mama am very careful so that i will not make the same mistake thank you for stopping by