Finding the Time

in #hive-1261529 days ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to reflect a bit about the struggles of time management in life!


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Finding the Time

Sometimes we wish that there were more than 24 hours in a day, but I don't think that's a good thing!


I know that many people struggle with time management in the world we live in. It's for good cause, because we are always having to run around and do so much as adults. It's not the worst thing in the world that's for sure, because it's better to have a lot of things to do rather than having nothing to do I think.

What becomes challenging is figuring out the time to do some things that we want to or enjoy!

I will say that I know for a fact that I am in a much better situation in terms of time management than a lot of people. I am fully aware of that. It doesn't change the fact that I have struggles though that I wish I could better adapt to in order to get more things done in a day.

Writing on Hive for example. Some of the days lately, I just simply don't have the time or energy to do it. I've been trying to figure out how to make some adjustments and it's been okay. For example, I have started to write a post, sometimes two, in the morning after my son leaves for school. This has helped a bit because the house is quiet, as I prefer it to be at night when I make time to write, but then the day just absolutely flies by and before I know it, I'm exhausted and ready for bed hahaha.

These are the things that happen as we get older, get more responsibility and the like. Responsibility is important for humans, especially men, as it gives us direction and drive for the future as well as motivation.

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I think one of the challenges I am facing is balancing the needs and responsibilities around the house with the things that I want to or enjoy doing. I know for example, I need to spend less time surfing the web looking at memes as much as I enjoy it. It brings a little levity to my mind and day but sometimes I end up wasting an hour or two hours on that stuff when I could be doing something far more productive.

With the ever increasing pace of the world, the professional market and everything else, are we being primed to require to take on computer augmentation in our bodies in order to keep up? That's a real scary thing, considering how little they care about people in general right now at the tops of these elite companies, organizations and governments. Control is a really important element for them, and we are at a pretty wild crossroads in the world.

It's a fantastic time for so many things, but at the same time it's also pretty damn dangerous.

These things also weigh on my mind and time in a day. It's why I struggle to find the time and mental energy to do other things. I know I am desperately trying to do as many things as I can to have insurance policies for various scenarios, but what is too much is the question?

Seemingly a bit of a random reflection on a bunch of topics.. but I think these are important for the people who are aware of the insanity of the world we live in. I sometimes wonder, are there WAY more people who are aware of this than I think there are? We are just scared or nervous to talk about it with other people around us? That definitely seems like the case..


What about you, do you struggle with time management stresses? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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I'm pretty lucky that I sit at a desk all day behind a computer. That gives me a lot of time and freedom to interact on Hive when I am not dealing with other stuff. I can't imagine how inactive I would be if things were different.

Yeah I am as wel, I just am super busy as a project manager that I don't get the downtime for some things. Compromises for sure, and instead I'm doing it before work or in the evening after everyone goes to sleep. It's just a challenge to fit it all in lol.

Good problems to have for sure though!

I'm done with big projects for a while. As long as everything keeps running well my job kind of does itself.

Yeah, I remember it well! I enjoy what I'm doing now, but I had a lot more fun when I was an IT admin instead of an IT PM. Give and take though, because I get to do some really cool things now at least!

Same here. Time management is always a work in progress. It's 4 minutes to midnight, and I am still here reading/curating/commenting posts on Hive when I have to get up to work the next day. (So much for always reminding myself to sleep early. Lol!)

Oh man ya that's a little too late for me lol. I'm 1030 at the latest and even that's pushing it. Time management is a struggle all around it seems!

I hear you dude, I've spent the last 2-3 years building back my business after all the covid bullshit, alongside being a family man has ensured my time has been at a premium. Still busy, but things have calmed down a bit - so I've been taking the time out to enjoy the simple things in life, and show my appreciation for that which we take for granted.