Gaming on the Side

in #hive-1402172 months ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to appreciate doing a tiny bit of gaming on the side, here and there!


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Gaming on the Side

I've been a gamer all of my life that I can remember. From getting the original Nintendo when I was a kid, all the way up through SNES, Playstation and others. I've loved gaming, and for good reason! There are so many things we can do and learn from gaming, it's pretty insane. They are also INCREDIBLY addicting, so it's really hard to be careful when we partake in them.


I had a bad gaming addiction for a really long time, not to the point where I would sit infront of the computer for days at a time without moving. I thankfully had a good release on that with skateboarding, hiking and other things outdoors. I would still spend many hours in front of the computer or video game consoles gaming for a considerable part of my life.

Recently I got into gaming a TINY bit again. I played Splinterlands for quite a while and that was enjoyable, but it lost it's luster for me and became more frustrating than it was enjoyable. Thankfully someone happened to share something I saw, and I found an OLD game I loved, Wolfenstein!


This game was the shit when I was a kid. We played it quite a bit when we were at my friends house, his dad had an awesome PC setup where we could play it and other games on the computers and would take turns. Sitting next to someone watching them play was definitely an interesting experience, and not one that many would do. I enjoyed it though! So we played many games, including Doom. I haven't played Wolftenstein for DECADES though, and it was fucking awesome to get back into it a bit!


This definitely brings back so many memories though! I have so many fond memories of hanging out with my friend and even with his dad when he would partake with us. It was awesome. I do have to be careful though, because I can get really into them! I have been playing here and there for a few months, and ended up beating most of the different levels which was cool.


I finished the last section of maps the other day, and now I'm onto an "expansion" pack of sorts - that wasn't in the original gameplay! I will admit that I'm a little lame sometimes and look up the maps online so I can see where the secrets are lol. I love playing it and it's cool to find the secrets when I can, but I do like to also know where they are so I can get the extra points. The new set of maps is fun, I finished the first level and hope that it continues with the same set of 9 or 10 like the others do!

I also have been enjoying the newest Splinterlands game, Soulkeep. I guess they sold it to another company though, so they don't do the primary development on it anymore.. but they still do own the rights to it or something? At any rate though Tower Defense games have been one of my FAVORITE types of games for years! Yes the shooting games are a lot of fun and awesome, but TD games are amazing. I remember playing things like Command and Conquer years ago, where you did something very similar. You had to have strategy! That's what it's about with these games, and that's what I think is so awesome.


I still have a LOT to learn and do with the game though lol. I have been sucking on a lot of the levels, especially the campaign ones. I did end up finishing the first campaign finally, and moved over a little bit to the tournaments side where I still lost but it's a lot of fun. I try to employ new strategies with the levels to see if I can do something different and have a good result. It doesn't always work out, but eventually it does! I am currently stuck on the first level of the 2nd campaign, and it's a tricky one for sure! I kind of wish they had more levels per campaign, and made them a little less difficult but that's okay. That's the nature of the game, and I'm sure that buying stronger cards or more cards would improve my odds at winning the levels. Maybe one day..


At any rate though, I've been playing a game here and there.. and thankfully not getting sucked back into the addiction!

What about you, do you like to play games? If so, what are you favorites? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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I have never been much of a gamer. There was a time where I got into Spolintercell with my oldest son. I do remember playing Doom and Wolfenstein. They were cool. Glad you are finding something that brings back memories and you can enjoy again.

Yeah the old games are awesome - I have so many I loved that weren't just silly shit. Age of empires, command and conquer. Those old games were intensely about strategy which was great.

As much as I enjoy gaming, I enjoy my time away from it now as well. I would rather be doing other things and I think that's an important distinction from the past.

That's why I could never get into gaming. I always enjoyed being outside doing other things.

Sitting next to someone watching them play was definitely an interesting experience, and not one that many would do.

I like to watch people play more than I like to play 😅

Haha yeah it's fun!

For wolfenstein, I know for a fact I know nothing about it but the UI just looks so similar 😭😭😂

Didn't know Splinterlands had another game. I'm not really a gamer though, tried it once here on hive but it didn't work out.
I'd rather have stakes in different games 😂😂

I love the old look of the Wolfenstein UI. Reminds me of simpler times!

The new Splinterlands game is pretty fun, hopefully it evolves quite nicely over time but for now even the introduction into tower defense is great!

I see...

Is it free to play?

That’s great thanks for the support!

I never for once heard about the game
Well, I’ve not really been much of a fan. All I love is colorful games like Candy Crush…

I saw references of this game quite a lot at least online. That looks so old -schooled!

Haha yeah it's super old school, that and Doom. Then there's also Duke Nukem lol

Thought I was looking at Doom -- never heard of Wolfenstein! 😅 Perhaps because it was before my time, I made it just in time for when the Super Nintendo got big. For computer games, I used to love playing Lemmings, for its sick soundtrack! 😂

I'm really happy to hear you've gotten back into gaming. I used to play a lot more when I was a kid as well, and although I'd like to play more now, I broke the Switch months ago 😩 My husband has his laptop but it can't run a whole lot! Hoping to start up my YouTube channel again once we're on the road...

Anyway, sorry for blabbing. Great to read your post! 🙂 I hope you have a great week!

Gaming is certainly some good fun, you just have to balance it out with the rest of the stuff that we have to do as adults. I enjoy spending an hour here and there on it without letting it get too much!

I've not heard of lemmings but the game sound tracks were often great. I've got a few songs from games that I remember well all these years later!

My laptop isn't a gaming one so it can't handle anything intense lol. Eventually when we get a house I'll set up my desktop computer but that's a bit of a ways away at this point sadly. That's got some awesome power and graphics!

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I can count on both hands, (not one) the amount of times I have sat in front of a computer till 4 am.

Felt like crap the next day after very little sleep. It reminded me of my younger days of beer keg partying around the campfires. I would feel sooo crappy with that up for raising hell for days hangover zombie effect. I still game from time to time. But rarely for long periods of time.

Yeah going all night is rough lol thankfully I don't do that anymore but it does suck when you feel like death and you didn't even drink! Lol. Sometimes we would imbibe in a bit but nothing crazy and you would still feel like crap.