Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to lament about a technology issue that I had, but thankfully solved!
Tedious Tech Troubleshooting
Technology, it's what makes the world go 'round isn't it? Well not when it has it's own challenges!
I am incredibly lucky that I have a pretty good grasp on a lot of things when it comes to technology. The interesting thing about it though, is that we have been programmed to think that when we hear the word "technology" we automatically think a computer or phone. In reality, technology is anything that we use in our day to day lives that helps us do something. If we are trying to build a fire and we don't have any matches around us and build a bow system to cause friction at the bottom of the stick, that is technology. An axe is a piece of technology that we use to cut some wood, and so on.
In terms of what I am working with here though, it is indeed computers and phones.
I do some extra work here and there to make some money to help us with our lifestyle and pay off some debts. We don't live lavish by any means, but we are comfortable where we don't have to currently worry about money the way some people do. We are incredibly lucky and fortunate to do this but that does require extra effort on our parts. Part of that extra effort is working as a contractor for a few places to do some work when they need me to, and I end up enjoying it quite a bit as it gets me to do things that I've come to enjoy quite a bit.
While I am out doing this contract work, I try to get there a little early and bring my laptop so that I can spend some time on Hive. I will typically try to write a post or two, and get to some comments while I am waiting to start the work day. This is pretty enjoyable because it's incredibly quiet and lets me sit with my thoughts and do some stuff on the writing side. I've been doing this for years at this point!
What's been interesting is I changed some stuff lately, and I didn't quite realize that it would have the negative effect that it did on this spare time, until it didn't work!
I changed VPN providers a few months ago to one that was a bit better, and recommended by someone that I follow and put some trust in. I'm so far really enjoying the VPN and the other things that comes with it, including some of the added features that wasn't available with the other VPN provider.
Some of the added features that weren't available for the other VPN provider seemed to have caused an issue with this hahaha. Ah the comical nature of technology - it is funny how things go. It took me a few days of this to figure out what was going on but ultimately, as of writing this particular post, I finally figured it out. There was one setting that kills the connection entirely if something drops, which doesn't sound like it would cause any issues if I am connecting my laptop to my phone, but that's what happened. When I turned off this safety feature, all of a sudden it started to work again. Lesson learned for me for sure, but still a funny one.
What about you, have you tried to do something with computers recently and ran into an issue? Did you solve the problem? Let me know in the comments!
-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated
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