Voting Strategies Redux

in #hive-10461916 days ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about changing my voting strategy, and how I am looking forward to it!


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Voting Strategies Redux

How we vote in many areas of life, is a really important thing. How we change our strategies and methodologies can also be equally as important!

When we are in a bit of a "habit" with something, it's very easy and fun to stay in that same narrow frame of mind. It's convenient and it feels really good for us to go on autopilot and go into smooth sailing mode. There are a lot of evolutionary advantages to this, as our subconscious mind takes over instead of our conscious mind and that saves us some mental capacity for other things that our mind can look to take in and process. It's pretty remarkable stuff for sure! I have been nerding out to these type of fascinating things from a neurological perspective.


Where it can be a little tricky though is to be able to break that comfort zone, and do things differently. Some people are so stuck in their ways and preferences that they don't want to do that. I get it, it's difficult to change the way we do things because that means we have to potentially re-learn something entirely. It is, however, incredibly important that we go through the exercise every once in a while!

I will admit that I am also victim to this type of thing because let's face it, we have a lot of things that come at us on a daily basis. We need some ways to just shift on autopilot! It's an easy thing but there is always the important thing of not taking the easy road, and actually taking the hard road. I know this may be a bit of a stretch in terms of a metaphor.. but I am trying to take the hard(er) road with my stake on the platform here on Hive!

I've been talking to some people lately such as NoNames, AntiSocialist and others (Taraz too) about various things of the platform and how we can better change our own habits and do things differently so that we can potentially do what we can to "stop the bleeding" in terms of people just cashing out all of their assets constantly. This is a big problem on this platform, because people (in the words of Taraz recently!) are just regular employees or visitors of it, instead of owner/operators or citizens. This means that they don't feel the need to have any skin in the game, or stake in the platform. They bring in something, and immediately take it all out. It's pretty pathetic in a lot of ways.


For various reasons, there are a lot of issues with that and one being that it's a constant downward drain pressure on the price of the Hive asset, and can be a psychological challenge for many new users to get past.

There are ways that people with actual stake on here, those with a few thousand and up in terms of Hive Power, can actually take what they are doing and enact change by changing their own habits. It may not feel like anything super crazy, but the best thing about this is that small changes add up. The more people do this that have some stake, the better off we become in the long-run.


There are certainly limits and exceptions to this strategy, as well as draw-backs but like anything, there will be benefits as well as risks and downfalls to it. The benefits of it are that we can support the people who are actually users on here the most, by distributing stronger votes to those people instead of giving them 10 or 20% votes, I have personally started to give out 50 and 75% votes. Granted my stake is mid-range at the moment, but it grows continually because I am an owner-operator here and definitely a citizen of the chain! This means that in the long-run, we can help the people around us that are here to grow their stake, actually grow it at a better rate than those who just wish to use this as their piggy bank and drain it to nothing. That ain't cool behavior bro!

The obvious risk to this is that there are going to be people who are caught in the crossfire, where they could be planning on keeping all of their stake but a crisis happens and they have to power down and sell some assets. Then I see it and don't give them a good vote, or a vote at all because of that. I think it only bothers me in that I do like to use my stake instead of hoarding it, but at the same time we have to be realistic. We have to foster an environment that supports the chain first, and the people second not the other way around!

There can be more said on this topic but getting near 1k words, I think this is a decent spot to leave it and see what the good people of the Hive community think.


Do you think it's a good idea that I and others are focusing our votes and support on people who actually maintain a healthy stake in the platform? Let me know in the comments why or why not!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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I mostly give out 10 to 15% of vote if I feel a user is powering down constantly, and sometimes I just stop completely when they refuse to stop, I think it's important to make it clear that it's important to also have skin in the game no matter what.

Oh for sure I'm glad you do it as well man. It's important to make sure that we advocate for the platform first!

I have as well also stopped voting comments from people that are just vote farming for tiny rewards and withdrawing those. Not cool behavior!

Exactly, it's one good behavior that will sustain the platform and everyone has a responsibility

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This is a very interesting article and the images displayed in this post are truly beautiful and extraordinary.

Yeah I like the pictures thanks.

This has been a really and contentious issue over the past couple of weeks. I have been thinking for a bit now that I really need to dig into some of my voting habits and make some changes. I know there are people on the platform who are trying to do this as a full time job and I can't relate to that at all, but I also think you need to at least be building your stake to set yourself up for future success. It just makes the most sense to me. Passive income has always been a big deal for me and building your account here is the best way to accomplish that.

Yeah for sure dude I’m with you on that. I think there’s also some pretty extreme cultural differences at play. People of many cultures don’t intend on saving anything for the future because they focus on the now and it’s pretty evident. You and I being in the United States, and many others around the world, are more on the long term mindset because we were raised that way. I think it’s a pretty great thing but it isn’t how millions or billions of others were raised unfortunately. You can only lead a horse to water as they say.

I feel for the people who do hive as their full time gig but even people on YouTube and other personalities, they have a skin in the game. It makes sense to foster an environment where people save at least a good portion of their assets!

You know, I have never really considered the cultural aspect of it. For sure I understand there are those in countries that aren't first world that count on this income to get them by, but I never really thought about the different mindsets on savings in general. I will never doubt how blessed I am that I have a full time job so Hive is more of a hobby for me than a weekly paycheck. I'm truly blessed, so that gives me a totally different perspective.

Oh for sure I am blessed as well man, and know that we have it far better than many other people. We can still try to bring a mindset change to others like this so that they have a long term view more than the short term. It's good for them as well as us!

Yes, it is a good thing to think long term for sure!

Haha why is everyone talking about this recently! Lol!

I mean generally it's a good thing but I am quite neutral about these discussions personally. While I haven't powered down any Hive before and don't plan to do so in the near future, I don't have any issues if there are people who want to do so for personal reasons.

But who knows if Hive become 3 dollars at some point? I guess the good thing is, everyone knows of the risk that is accompanied with powering down Hive, and one has to weigh the pros and cons.

Well hive won't get to 3$ if there is constant downward pressure on it from thousands of people that shouldn't be doing it. It's pretty annoying!

I started this idea several weeks ago but haven't posted about it until now. I think it's a great way to shift the mindset of the platform by making changes in the middle class first. That shifts the culture elsewhere and promotes a good idea over bad ones which is what we need.

I treat hive like an investment account - money goes in but it doesn't come out unless there is no other possible way for something. It's a good way to be! Also grows the stake quite nicely :D

Yeah I call it the snowballing effect! Hehe!

This feels like a lesson to me. Right now, my plan is to stake 1HP everyday and I’ve been doing that since last week.
We all will do the best to make this community a great place
Let’s go Hive!

That's great thank you for doing that! I'll be honest I wasn't sure if you were going to invest in the platform or withdraw it all. Not many people from Nigeria keep their assets staked sadly! It’s a tough economy for sure but we do have to think of the future.

I honestly know nothing about the percentages or powering down. I've given 100% on every upvote since I started here several years ago 😅 given that's probably why no one interacts with me! 😂

I was expecting Hive to be more like a stock market scenario... The fact this is treated like any other social media app makes it difficult for me ex. talking to people lol. I dunno how to explain it, but I can feel the fake jovialness, which in turn makes me act fake as well. On top of the sense of control it gives certain people... It's hard being a misanthrope in a social world

Yeah there is certainly an element of false jovial ness in the atmosphere but it depends on the people. Not to toot my own horn but I try to be genuine with the people I interact with, for better or for worse! At the same time though, the people who are depressing and negative all the time are exhausting to deal with and talk to, so I often stay away from them. I don't need those lower vibrations in my life! Lol

As for the votes- don’t worry about it until you get to like 5K hive power. Before that it’s not a big deal to just throw out 100% so you can get whatever curation rewards you can. After that, it’s good to keep an eye on your voting percentages!

I love your first picture - fall colors with a little spread of snow, really beautiful. Still not looking forward to winter though 😜.

On the topic - well, this has been going around for a couple of weeks now but how did it actually become such a hot topic?

instead of giving them 10 or 20% votes, I have personally started to give out 50 and 75% votes

Hmm, I have always been voting 100 %, it just feels so little to upvote $0.0005 - LOL. Okay that's slightly exaggerated but my max vote (now that I powered up 1000 HP) is still shy of 3 cent - sigh. I cancelled a few but still have delegations to Worldmappin, OCD and Holozing that I'd like to keep. All of them together would probably only give me another cent voting power. But I like supporting those causes. I might do 50 % votes the standard going forward.

Haha yeah that was a really nice and random event - snow in October! Doesn't happen often but it does produce some gorgeous pictures!

This has certainly been a topic of late! I think it's important though and I hear you on the lower percentages of votes. I think for me, I like to spread the votes to many different people but also still be in the 90% range for voting power so that if I see a good post, it gets some decent percentage of my voting benefit instead of one that's at like 75% of what it could be. This is just my strategy though!

When I get more hive power, such as in the 70k range, I will shift to doing 50% is my max most likely so I can give out more. There are some people like Edicted who rotate their votes to people and just do 100% which is also good. Who knows what I'll end up doing for sure but I do want to make sure I support the people who keep stake in the platform!

Really interesting. I really have not been strategizing like this at all. Well, we'll see where, how I end up voting.