Working The Lists

in #hive-17412211 days ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to talk about how it's good to build lists, but also cross items off those lists!


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Working The Lists

I've been keeping up with my post ideas!


I don't know what changed over the last few years, maybe that I'm getting older or something, but I am not able to have as crisp of a memory as I was when I was younger. I know it's likely related to getting older, but I wonder if it's also related to having changes in my lifestyles?

I was able to remember a lot better in the past certain things that I wanted to or needed to do. These days though, I have to rely on lists for a fair amount of things. I don't find it necessarily an awful thing, because the lists are a way that I've learned help me stay organized. There are obviously things that I am really good at remembering such as things related to work and activities of that nature, however some mundane stuff I really need lists.

One of the lists that I started to keep was ideas that I had for posts that I wanted to write. I started keeping track of that earlier this year I think, maybe right at the beginning. It has really helped me tremendously because before I would just start a draft in PeakD and hope that I would finish it eventually. These days, I've still got several drafts on PeakD but I tend to try and stay away from that.

Thankfully I've been in a little bit of a streak in terms of getting into my notes and finding the post I want to write for the evening, and getting it done! I've been able to delete several of the post ideas that I wrote down, and I find that cathartic.


There are certainly lots of ideas that float around, and not all of them get written down but at the same time, I have several things that I do want to write about, but I have to be in the right mood in order to do that.

I've had various fluctuations over the past several weeks due to things that have been going on, both good as well as challenging, and it's really made an impact in terms of my ability to dedicate time and effort to certain topics. I am very much of a situational and mood writer. If I'm not in the right mood for a topic, I skip it and move onto something different. I think it's important that I recognized that, and really helps me with my writing going forward.

In terms of the topics, they are absolutely broad but that's the beauty and interesting thing about it. I've got loads of finance things in there, waiting for the day when the Leo team fixes their fucked up website that breaks post scheduling, and that's something I eventually look forward to getting to sprinkle in here and there. There are also lots of other topics ranging from personal experiences, shitty things that have happened as well as inspirational thoughts I've had.

I know that some people struggle with writers block and I've been in that situation myself in the past but I think the beauty of getting over that writers block is remarkable. I don't profess the topics I write about are the most amazing or inspiring out there, but I do find that there is always a personal note to them, and I have gotten some great engagement over the years on the various topics.

I am happy to cross off quite a few of the ideas, instead of letting them continually build up!


What about you, do you keep track of your post ideas, and feel good when you are getting through them and completing them? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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I like lists too, but it's more for my daily activities. As for post ideas, my posts are not so fixed at the moment, and I am ok to leave them a little random. Hehe!

Yeah it's good to have them for life as well. I've got a bit of an issue where it's pride that makes me not use them more in life but I'm having to give in on that lol and get some lists going.

Hehe! 👍

I'm more of a spreadsheet guy, but I do lists too!

Yeah the issue k have with spreadsheets is that it ends up getting super long and then multiple sheets, which can translate to multiple versions lol. I use spreadsheets for certain things but primarily work stuff. The scribbles in a note feel like a notepad of old!

It's good that you've got a method though not everybody does!

My wife gets sick of all my spreadsheets. Anytime we are making a big purchase, I likely have a sheet with comparisons and other figures.

Lists certainly do help with goal attainment and productivity though i rarely use them. About Hive topics, I just jot mine down on paper then pick them off one by one and craft them into posts. And for me there's certainly that feeling of fulfilment when I finish with a post and get it published on the platform then sit back and watch the engagements and feedbacks trickle in.

Thanks for writing and have a great day.

Yeah what you do is very similar to mine so that's good! Glad you try to keep yourself organized with your post ideas!

I also make similar lists as well! It looks something like this below. The kind of list like this makes my blog so much structured and helps me remembered too 🤣


That's awesome! I'm glad you keep a list and even just cross it out when you're done. I just delete them lol but it's good to have some organization in life!

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