I was reading a news where I found out that a women has invested around Rs 8 Lakh in her YouTube journey and she nothing in return. The problem is people usually invest a lot in front which is called as Capex, and if they don't get the returns back the whole Capex is gone down the drain.
PC: Google.com
This is with all the business, people invest a lot of money upfront and when they have to shut the business the whole money is gone down the drain. But when you are starting any online business, we have to do a feasibility study whether it will work out or not. For example, I have started my YouTube journey but I have not invested much on it. I have bought a Canva Pro and along with that I have invested my time.
Might be in future I might invest more if I think there is value but until and unless I see a return, I will not invest much. And that's what I tell everyone, first try to get returns from something before investing big on it. Like for ETF shop, once I started getting some good amount from it I started going big on it and nearly invested around 4 Lakhs because I know I will get some good returns back.
I am not saying that people should not start their business. They should start their business, but they should start small with small investments and then see how it goes before going with big investments. People who have a lot if money can spend more money, but a lot of people take out their life savings, get loans to start the business and if the business fail they are like financially unstable.
Now coming to my update, I have successfully completed 6 months of my YouTube journey and I have the below stats which is somewhat ok not that great though but it's a start.
PC: YouTube.com
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