Crypto for Harris

in #leofinancelast month


Cryptocurrency has become a hot button issue in the 2024 presidential campaign. The Democratic arm of the cryptocurrency industry is determined not to let former President Trump run away with the crypto vote this fall.

A new pro-Kamala Harris advocacy group called Crypto for Harris plans to host a virtual town hall with a star studded speaker lineup that includes billionaire entrepreneur and crypto advocate Mark Cuban, SkyBridge Capital founder and Trump critic Anthony Scaramucci plus a handful of Democratic members of the House of Representatives. This meeting is open to the public and will discuss ways to support the Harris campaign and promote fundraising initiatives.

Currently, the Crypto for Harris campaign currently has around 50 members, with its main organizers consisting of industry participants and policy experts. This group is echoing sediment that the United States must continue to be a leader in blockchain is working hard to ensure the right policies and conversations take place to ensure that outcome.

In recent weeks after Biden dropped out and Harris stepped into the spotlight the race for the White House has narrowed between Trump and Harris. Trump has a head start in attracting crypto advocates to his campaign amid the regulatory assault unleashed by the Biden administration, but as the front runner Harris is now softening her campaign's stance on the space.


Why now is the real question? The answer is over 40 million Americans own digital assets and Trump with the help of the Republicans are considered the crypto party, but Harris is trying to take that title and those votes. The former president has firmly embraced digital assets, promising to end tough Biden-era regulations on the industry. He headlined the annual Bitcoin Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, last month, where he raised more than $20 million from industry heavyweights and made promises to set up a strategic government reserve of bitcoin and even fire SEC Chairman Gary Gensler on day one if he’s elected. I doubt he would keep that promise, but it still reads good in the headlines.

The Democratic party has been more outspoken in recent weeks with statements encouraging innovation and adding protection for consumers which has been a softer stance than Biden and SEC has been in many years. Harris has added two former crypto advisers to her campaign in the past week: David Plouffe, who served on the advisory board of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, and Gene Sperling, a former board member of blockchain payments company Ripple. It great to see them bringing crypto experts onto her campaign because that is a far more powerful statement than just standing a conference and pandering for votes. I can't wait to see what impact this might have on the Harris campaign or what negative impact it has on Trump's campaign. I think we are going to see a positive regulatory environment for crypto in the near future. I just hope that means we seem better price action the market feels a little bearish at the moment.

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Fuck Cumala Harris... Period... She is only going to spew out talking points to get elected. If she wanted to do something, she could do it NOW. She is VP. People jumping on the Harris train because of this issue or that issue are cucks.

I'm actually really interested to know why you have such hate for Harris. What policies don't you like?

She is a joke as a VP, she can't even speak intelligently and is as fake as they come. She flip flops her stances on things just to please her 'followers'.

As AG in California, she kept people in jail past their sentences to fight wild fires, basically unpaid slave labor.

She is coming right out and talking about gun confiscation, which is completely unconstitutional, and in my opinion, fighting words. They will have to pry my guns from my cold dead hands. You see what is happening in countries where the government took the guns... Authoritarian rule... I am not down for that.

As the 'Border Czar' and has let in more illegal immigrants during her time as VP than any other administration since the early 1900's. This has caused a rampant uprise in crime, our job markets are effected, and they are giving our hard earned tax dollars to these people. As much as I am not really a fan of governments, borders, and such, these people that are coming in are doing more harm than good. She is for giving them voting rights even as illegals so that the Demonrats can stay in power.

Inflation has been absolutely insane and she hasn't done anything about it as VP except make it worse by backing corrupt foreign wars and giving money to lazy ass people that don't want to work through various social services.

She is completely for mandating vaccines and lockdowns.

I also do not agree with her stances on abortion.

Basically she is a socialist if not borderline communist.

All that being said, Trump isn't necessarily the answer either. I am really against all politicians, because nobody has the right to rule over another person. The only people that need a leader are sheep, and I am certainly not sheepish.

I respect your opinion but I do disagree with some of it. I think she is a much better speaker than trump who has no substance but a decent cadence with his trigger words. Listen to his speeches outside of the trigger words it's really just an old man rambling.

As for Harris time as AG there are things I don’t agree that she did but by large that can be said about any AG or political figure. What I care is has she learned and grown. Which is why it may feel like she flip flopped since she is growing and learning from her past. Those who are not willing to change are the one who come off as bigots. By and large that’s why I disagree with republicans they want everything to go back to how it was. How it was is not always the best and we should learn and grow with the times.

For the boarder issue that ebbs and flows we are now at a slower crossing pace than previous periods. Democrats put forth a boarder bill and trump nuked it for political gain that is not the person I want in power. I want people to put for solutions not just complain and scar tactics.

In the inflation standpoint it was trump and covid that allowed cooperations to run rampant on price gouging. I have taken part of conversations at my work on how great it was to be able to price our products under the Covid pricing structure. We are doing more with less and can blame it on the current administration when in reality we are just raising prices to figure out what the consumer can truly take. From someone in industry I see that we need an administration who is willing to regulate the price gauging I’m seeing.

As for gun she does not want to take you guns just add regulations around them. I would recommend getting off fox and trying to listen to NPR as entertainment news is dividing us.

Any gun regulation is unconstitutional in my eyes. The 2nd Amendment was put in place to protect the people against a tyrannical government. There are already a ton of regulations in place. It’s a pain in the ass to buy a gun anymore. That’s why I build them.

Basically none of the options being presented are worthy of office. The people would be better off if the government didn’t exist. One of the biggest reasons I am in crypto is to help create an alternative economy and take power from the system that way.

Yes, Trump didn’t help with the inflation part, but this administration has only made it so much worse. It’s not just the big corporations fault for price gouging, it’s the government taking our tax dollars to fund the MIC and these foreign wars that the people do not want to be apart of. That’s where most of the printed dollars has gone. The devaluing of the dollar and the current wars and geopolitical bullshit is why the prices of everything has gone up. Shipping is ridiculous and those costs get passed down the chain to the customer. This affects the cost of production, cost of shipping, then not to mention having to pay inflated wages, rent, etc. That’s all been baked into consumer pricing. This administration hasn’t done anything but make it worse.

I am seeing it as a very strong competition among both of them that will definitely be established

It is I see more momentum with Harris right now. Vance and Trump are just weird. I hate that republicans are running on caring about women do with their body, checking the gender of children for sports, battle on woke, and the hatred of immigrants. Their agenda is insane it does nothing to help Americans.

Politics is very complicated, crypto supports its voting strategy. Well, let him be voted out.

It is complicated

If Trump wins, it will be good for crypto

I don't think it will be as good as people say

I think its good for crypto

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One thing is for sure Harris will keep Gensler in power if she is elected, then we can have FTX shenanigans again while Gensler looks the other way while persecuting small projects like LBC.

I actually don't think she will keep him. I think they will be looking to change up the FED and SEC depending on how the next year goes.

If you go to and look for any platform policy on crypto there is nothing listed. But if you go to you can actually see some clear policy on crypto on page 9. A few democrat reps want to be crypto friendly but its only like 14 of them compared to many more on the republican side. Of course they are all politicians so its a crap shoot if they will actually do anything once elected. Historically though crypto did much better under Jay Clayton (Trump era SEC) when he declared BTC was not a security vs Gensler (Biden/Kamala era SEC) who are constantly making up random rules while looking the other way at scammers like SBF who donate to them.

That is good news. I am happy to see there is a change in direction because I have a really hard time accepting the fact that if you want crypto to go well you need to vote for "x" or else.

I think that it is a bit crazy too but at this point everything has been politicized.

I think most of the talk by Harris and Trump is all talk. I do hope that they take a better stance for crypto but I just won't keep my hopes for it. Personally, I don't like Harris or Trump but I do hope that them fighting over crypto will lead the policies against crypto to be more lenient.

Truth is you are right they don't really care about crypto but maybe the discussion will help like you pointed out.

I think Harris has really been put in a very tight corner actually

Really I think she is doing a good job

I must admit I admired the way Trump used crypto to his advantage, and I am happy to see actual substantive moves by Harris:

Harris has added two former crypto advisers to her campaign in the past week: David Plouffe, who served on the advisory board of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, and Gene Sperling, a former board member of blockchain payments company Ripple. It great to see them bringing crypto experts onto her campaign because that is a far more powerful statement than just standing a conference and pandering for votes.

This is reassuring and gives us hope.