The other day I wrote about my effort to update all my crappy passwords in my 1password database. Go read that post if you missed it.
One benefit of going through some of these bad passwords is I'm finding a lot of sites that I don't use anymore or that have long since kicked the bucket. The latter I can just out right delete from my 1password database, and the former I try to close my account, and if that isn't allowed, at least erase all personal info, change my email address listed in the site to a private random one from duckduckgo (I should do a post about this later), and make it as secure as possible before basically abandoning it. I also mark it with an "abandoned" tag in 1password, just so I can keep track of it easily.
Anyway, the other day when I was going through the list I came across this site → Braiins Pool. Actually I had a different URL recorded in 1password and they redirected me to that one, but I updated the URL in the database so I don't remember the old name now. Anyway: a BTC mining pool. Looking at my entry in 1password, it said I hadn't logged into the site (at least not using 1password to log in for me) in 7 years.
You can imagine the stars starting to form in my head. Had I mined some BTC here and forgotten about it? Was there a stash? Was I rich??
Ok, the latter was pretty far out and I really didn't entertain that one—I merely really hoped against hope for it—because I knew I never mined a lot back in the day. Still, I was hoping.
I logged into the site and quickly found the wallet. In it was exactly....
0.00001311 BTC
Bummer. Guess I'm still poor. Oh well. Maybe there are other undiscovered relics in this 1password database....
(By the way, go get a password manager! Again, see the post)
David is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku. He blogs here and at Write him on Twitter or Mastodon. |