Is something to have a daughter? It is also something to train the doctor well. So much more than the daughter will vote. So proud of you and you’re also proud of the daughter. The present generation that we’re in now. Some parents are not even proud of what is coming up from out of them.
Some daughters, 2, are busy disgracing their fathers on the Internet. Saying things that did not exist. I’m post letting about home breakage over and over again. There is nothing anyone can do about it. We’re in the Internet age. An Instagram is making everybody to go loose. Thanks to Twitter too and TikTok. They’re making a mess of. Decent ladies. And turning the table of life virtues and being trampled upon.
And indecency. Is becoming the new trend. Fathers that have taken years to train an expecting to sit on. It’s the fruits of their labour and no more eating anything. A lot are anguishing and pain becaused. The whole world, I mean the outside world, has turned the table of all the years of their efforts. And you don’t have anything to show. TS is not helping.
Corrections is nowhere to be found. The whole world decades further. And no one can stop it.