But Can we Change Human Nature?

in #hive-10631618 days ago

A lot of people and organizations talk about wanting to "make the world a better place" and similar grand ambitions... but what does that actually mean?

And what does it entail?


As a keen observer of the human experience, it has long struck me that many of those with grand ideas have singularly poor understanding of psychology and human nature.

We can want to "change things" to our collective hearts' desire... but if we don’t have a thorough understanding of how people tend to respond to such changes, chances are we won't get very far.

Perhaps we want to change the way people do some particular thing. Could be anything from how they commute to work, to how they use Hive. What might be their motivation for wanting to make such a change in their lives, independently of what you want them to do?


It would be wrong to assume that someone else will automatically think that your "brilliant idea" is actually brilliant. Especially true, if they come to the table with a completely different set of values and experiences.

That's just one potential hurdle to consider.

But Human Nature tends to rear its ugly head even more frequently when we start dealing with some of our "baser" instincts.

Consider something fundamental like greed.

I was reading a message board related to crypto airdops, and the biggest complaint was that the projects "didn't just get ON with it and distribute the airdrop!"


Might sound like a perfectly reasonable thing to say to some... but the thing that was remarkably absent in the discussion was any sort of encouraging words for the project management because they were taking extra time to make sure they were actually releasing a sustainable product.

But can we ever actually hope to change the aspect of human nature related to "you said there might be free stuff, gimme it!"

I've always thought it was rather interesting how people waiting in line for free stuff — whether in physical space or online — seem to have far less patience than people waiting in line to get something of genuine and documented value.

What does that teach us about Human Nature?


Some things might not be changeable, at all, particularly those related to money, politics, religion and perhaps child rearing. In such arenas, people tend to dig their heels into their "known ways" and that gets in the way of potential change, even if that change could offer up a much better life for all involved.

Alas, I don't have any great ideas for changing human nature...

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great Friday!

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!


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Created at 2024-08-30 00:42 PDT
