Shorter Days...

in #hive-10631610 days ago

I am really starting to notice how the days are getting shorter as we draw towards winter. It's not exactly getting cold yet, but the sun is losing its summer warmth, as it traverses the sky a little lower, every day.

Yes, I know, we only just arrived at fall...


I do love living in a part of the world that has distinct seasons. It was one of the things I missed about life, during the 20-something years I spent in Central Texas... there were basically two seasons: Hot and hotter.

The leaves are slowly starting to turn, and I keep meaning to find time to head out to our forested foothills and check out the chanterelle mushroom situation. I have heard it is a really good year this year, because we had a lot of late summer rain followed by warmth.

I'm working on a gardening post, as well... but that's not for today.

Today, I just found myself just wanting to slow down... much like nature is doing.

Chanterelles in the local woods

There are definitely things I like about the coming dark half of the year... above and beyond the brilliant hues of autumn foliage and the beauty of recently fallen snow on a sunny morning.

For example, this is the time of the year when my creativity typically experiences a pretty significant uptick. I tend to have more time to spend not only with my writing, but also with my artwork... painting and creating items to sell, ahead of the holiday season arts and crafts shows.

It's also a good time of the year for reflection on what has been, and what might be ahead.

I wonder whether we'll have a bit of a 4th quarter crypto rally, this year? Not holding my breath... pretty accustomed to being disappointed about crypto.


When I was a kid back in Denmark, we used to have "fall holidays" which gave us a week off from school.

Historically, it was called the "potato holiday" and was not really intended for kids to slack around, but for them to be "released" from school so they could help dig up the potato harvest.

Of course, we don't really get severe winter around here, and there will be lots to do outside during the late fall and winter... including a lot of tree trimming, this year.

I hope we have a mild winter; the "deep freeze" we had back in February (coldest in 60 years) was not kind to our plants and trees.


Somehow, I have to find the time (and enthusiasm) to do this... especially knowing that we have now decided to sell our house within a couple of years. We need things to look as good as possible, when it goes up for sale.

Whereas I have loved living here, it is a lot of work, and the allure of a smaller (and newer?) place is definitely growing stronger. We're not getting any younger and less maintenance (and expense!) definitely is appealing.

I don't know what we are going to do about any repairs that need doing that we can't do ourselves... because there is no extra money in the bank for such things. I guess we'll just have to do our best and hope that's good enough.

Heck, who even knows what the real estate markets will look like, by spring on 2026?


I'm just hoping we can get into a new place and have enough left over to invest so the yields can help significantly supplement our living expenses.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great remainder of your week!

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!


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Created at 2024-09-24 02:04 PST
