Gratitude Log

in #hive-12445213 days ago

This week was enlightening. It was illuminating and inspiring. While I am sure that more challenges will come, I hold on to the promise of what victory I have now. That promise says I can face anything else.

Image is mine

I started taking a course to polish my technical skills. Having a partner to do it with, and one who is bright and lovely, only makes the experience more interesting. There is something that @tengolotodo taught me which is, “the universe listens”.

Honestly, I do not want to be too detailed as that would take away the magic of what I am doing now, hence, I will just leave bits and pieces.

I fill a gratitude log daily. Something @jhymi introduced me to and I have to say that there is no better way to be more appreciative and aflame in the present moment than using the gratitude scale. There is always something to be grateful for. There is always a silver lining even when the world is burning.

I try my best to focus on the positives. It is so much easier and healthier. When I am not worrying about everything wrong in my life, I am actively pursuing something. Doing something and being relevant.

It is so easy to dwell on all that is wrong, but all it does is weigh you down. Therefore, in this post, I will highlight three things I am grateful for this week.

I am grateful for friendship. I am so blessed with the kind of people I have in my life. So blessed that they have my best interest at heart and they would drop everything just to be there for me. Honestly, this is not something I take for granted especially when I watch how vicious the world is. You definitely need someone in your corner and these people, they are in mine.

I am grateful for disagreements. Without them, there won’t be growth. To me anyway. You need to have conflict for development to take place. Only when there is conflict does a person grow. It could be internal or external but conflict is necessary. I have learned that conflict is vital to my success and as such, I no longer see it as the devil. Let it happen.

I am grateful for Life. Just being alive is a gift to me. I know I tend to forget that sometimes but it is a knowledge that forever remains with me. I am grateful for life and the fact that I am alive. It is a blessing.

Also, I am grateful for people who hate my guts. It must be painful watching me be myself. It must be painful seeing I refuse to conform and be the norm. It must be painful knowing that I choose to be different. It is alright though. However painful it might be that they decide to lash out, I am grateful because their actions only fuel my desire to not be like them. I am grateful to be me.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha



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Gratitude log and no mention of seki?

Honestly, I feel like I'm the one trying too hard😞

You will soon explain to the gods why you should be on my log😂

There is something that @tengolotodo taught me which is, “the universe listens”.

Yes so be careful what you put out there.

Uh huh Sire of the Pudding Factory

I am partial to a bit of black pudding right enough.


Positive energy breeds Positive Energy!! Yes indeed... Never said it was easy LOL. But with each day, it becomes common practice... Great post!!



Oh heavens. I missed this comment! I'm so sorry sir. And yes, indeed. Thank you so much ☺️

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Sounds like you are viewing life in a very positive perspective. Growth is the key and being at peace with all things, is imperative for our peace of mind. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!

Thank you very much ma'am.

You are very welcome!

• I fill a gratitude log daily...
• I try my best to focus on the positives...
• I am grateful for friendship...
• I am grateful for disagreements...
• I am grateful for Life...
• I am grateful for people who hate my guts...

Wow! There is so much good here! Even being grateful for disagreements and people who hate you, and putting a positive spin on it! BRAVO!  This is an incredibly wonderful post, and I thank you for it! 💗

This deserves the #thoughtfuldailypost tag, too!


Oh thank you so much. Hahaha. I will edit it and add that in! Only the positive thoughts... as much as possible❤️

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I so much love the positivity of this post. Welldone girl!!! I am a firm believer that what you put into the universe is what comes back to you. So... Yeah I'm so happy with how you're taking this. Wishing you the best!❤️❤️

Thank you so much too and yes, I look forward to more positive things.

I really enjoyed reading this, I would love to hear more about how you use your gratitude scale? Do you rank things on a scale?
