TRAP (Movie Review)

in #hive-12174419 days ago

I needed something to chill for the weekend, however knowing me, I knew it will not be just chill but I will also want to talk about it. Romance and fantasy movies do not cut it for me anymore. Hence, I looked for thrillers. Guess what I found…


It is a TRAP!

Set in Ontario, Trap is about an elaborate manhunt set up to catch one man – a serial killer known as the butcher. The authorities get a very popular artist to work with them and host a concert because there was a tip that this person would be there. Cooper and his daughter, Riley, just happened to be there. The things that happen next are just a series of twists and turns that leaves a hum in your blood.

What I felt seeing this movie


Honestly, from the beginning I was excited. I saw the trailer and knew that this movie will not disappoint. It did not. I think the most thrilling part of it for me was that I got to see from the Killer’s point of view. We come across many crime stories that has the victim running and we feel the fear and all. It was different with this. At least to me. I felt the thrill, the excitement and most of all, I saw (or I think I did) the whole process that is this man.

Experiencing this man try to get away from the trap, he walked right into left my blood buzzing. I watched him bob and weave, his absolute charm and finesse left me gaping. I remember one scene where he just immersed himself into the lie he had created and I cackled. I did. I could not believe that anyone could be so in touch with his surrounding and be so out of touch at the same time. He was controlled, manipulative and charming. He flipped it like a switch and he was just like any normal person. That… that was the scary part.

Father-Daughter Interaction: Riley x Cooper

One thing I have learned about these people is that they appear to be normal within society. They have normal jobs, families and some of them are always in a place of high authority. Seeing Cooper with his daughter would make you believe he was any normal father, and that is so insane! Because this is just one of their many covers. These people can lead two lives and usually get away with it.


One thing that struck me with Riley and Cooper’s relationship is how inclined she was to him that she noticed even his oddest behaviours. Now, the movie says he has a need for control and we watch him take charge even in the tensest situations. He has the uncanny ability to think and plan even under the pressure of twenty thousand screaming fans, vigilant police officers and a very excited daughter. There was one time I thought he would snap. The one time when he seemed all out of touch and out of moves, his daughter kept talking on and on and trying to get his attention. I watched his eyes go left right back forth and thought, “Oh he will snap”.

This man snapped, but not like I thought he would. He snapped out of his reverie, looked at his daughter and went; “yeah sure” turned back to the white walls of the hallway and figured out a plan. The hairs on my skin stood on end. I sat up with such speed my head spun for a second.

What I am trying to point out is, this man led two different lives separately and did it so well that even his daughter noticed he was acting odd for once. This means (to me) that while he was in control, he was already slipping. Something happens when a criminal slips, they make big mistakes. His first mistake did not happen at that concert. It happened outside of it, way before it all. That is something you will understand when you see the movie.

Cooper: The Man behind the Scene

Something happened before we were spun around and taken on this chase. Cooper had turned on his charm, approached an attendant to figure out why there was so much security for a concert. At that point, the camera angle was on both their faces, and it did this effect thing where it follows their movement. In a second, just a fraction of it, when the camera moved with Cooper, the beast behind the charm surfaced. For a second, he stared at Jamie, the attendant and I got chills.


I have a feeling that was when he got into control mode. The Profiler brought on the case had thought about everything but it looked like she forgot one thing. The Unsub was just an ordinary man. This was his edge and he used it so well…ugh! I need to breathe…

Cooper clarified something for me though. The fact that these men, highly intelligent killers, have a line. That line divides their two lives and they live each life well. They do it so well. I am not a psychologist or a profiler or whatever; I am just a young girl who loves crime movies and documentaries. This, seeing it from this angle, thrilled me so much and I found myself laughing when I should be scared. I guess since we were not seeing from the victim’s POV, there was nothing to be scared about.


I give this movie a solid 9.5/10. The twists, cinematography, casts… everything were so on point and it satisfied me so much. It was the right amount of stimulation I needed, and I want more like this. It also carried no gore, blood or any killing. Family friendly. I recommend.


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This one gets a lot of hate, but I also liked it for what it was and thought it was a good 'bad movie'. I wouldn't go as far as scoring it a 9,5 out of 10 though.

I'm already looking forward to what M. Night Shyamalan brings us next!

Yeah I guess we all have different tastes. I'm told that I have bad tastes in movies lol. But that's okay. This satisfied me a loy

Hopefully not another movie where the main intention is to promote his daughter xD

I'm surprised you liked this movie, but then again we have different opinions and tastes which is okay haha.

For me, I didn't like it. At first it started promising. The trailer indeed was very interesting. I have no problems with movies in one setting majority of the time (Saw movie proved that it was possible to have one movie setting and still be good) but this one felt unnecessary and it had my blood boiling over how the characters were acting. The butcher's reactions were in place, but the staffs, police, lady raven, everyone it seems were making a really terrible decisions.

First of all, all the staffs were briefed about the situation and may know that the killer looks just like everyone... and then the merch guy proceeded to tell secrets you're not supposed to tell random strangers. -_-

Police on high alert and watching CCTVs all the time, but nobody noticed how he was acting strange and going to some random employee-only places? Even at 20k attendees, that kind of behavior would stand out. Especially they apparently already have a profile.

When they got to the house, Lady Raven was at the bathroom doing live and was just staring at the door for what felt like 10 minutes instead of asking her fans to call the cops in this address. Cops would have got there sooner.

Then butcher just gets away so easily all the time??? Despite surrounded by the police in the house? They're serial killers and high IQ but they're not superhuman lol.

Overall, I would say it was okay. Butcher's acting was really good and he has this killer eyes haha. My blood just kept on boiling for their wrong decisions and it was just disappointing since the concept has potential yet it didn't deliver for me. It was a new idea for a movie in a while that I've watched for sure. :D

Thanks for sharing your review!

I get it but this is over 20,000 people. This was a concert. Even we as humans can't make the perfect decisions all the time and that was the point to the whole movie. Human behaviour. The funny thing is when you're watching as the audience it's easy to think that you can just get the guy. But in real life, you could pass a girl being kidnapped and have no idea that's what is happening.

Raven felt that the man who was at stake was more important which she was right. Why? Before the police got there that door would have broken down, he will hit the button and the guy dies. He gets apprehended but that house is never discovered? It would have been more disappointing.

Like I said. Human behaviour. This just made it all the more satisfying because humans are wired to function differently. Cooper was barely human and why he could defy the law. Every other person operated with a certain kind of mindset. Like I pointed out, the Profiler forgot one very simple but critical detail. So did the whole of the police... Cooper was an ordinary man.

The whole concert stage I didn't really have much against, some things were a bit out there but was needed to get to the 2nd part of the movie but then I thought a lot of things were a bit unnecessary and overdone.

Could be true. Hmmm, maybe I should start looking at movies with a new eye.

More like incompetence from them - guy clearly acting suspicious even when interacted with the some of the police personally, which the movie also emphasizes how suspicious his body language was and they still missed. There was no expectation of perfect decisions of course, but the decisions were too ridiculous knowing that all staff knows they should be on high alert. Right, human behavior, not FBI behavior.

Yeah I was talking about after they have found the guy in the basement, there were a few minutes of just her looking at the door.

Just really bad and lazy writing imo.

The movie got really bad for me in the middle or so as well, the focus on the singer becoming a hero even though no influencer/anyone "famous" would ever risk their own life to save a random stranger, let alone a random person to begin with.

Then the added twists that it was his wife who gave him up and as if that wasn't enough he kept getting caught and escaping over and over like what was the point of that, just made it seem more and more ridiculous. I thought he was going to kill himself in the garage when the family saw what he was and they went away with the singer and the police, would've probably been a better ending.

I did have reservations about his ability to always escape. Especially when it got to the part about the car and the audience. Lol. It was still entertaining for me and I enjoyed the chase.

Yeah I get it... well, I guess that the movie was more important than the message it passed. I enjoyed it though... first time I come across things like this that don't involve sawing and cutting.

P.S I am open to movie recommendations please🙂

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This review is a trap😂😂😂

I won't fall for it😂

Comedy tonight and nothing else!!


I actually came across this movie when I was going through some movies on the netnaija where I normally download my movies from and I just decided to look away and choose not to watch it. But with this review and the 9.5 you have given it, I think I would spend some time downloading it there and watch it when I am free.

Yeah. That is just my opinion and it is according to my taste. Could be different for you😄

It might still be able to perfectly kill my boredom though so sha let me give it a try