“Ze” Choice

in #hive-1106021 days ago

I have watched a few movies where people are given a choice. In fact, generally in fiction, there’s always conflict and it has to do with a character. The character picks what side he is on. Who or what would they choose?

It isn’t so much different in real life. We have to make choices at certain junctions in our lives. From what to study to the best career option. It’s always this or that.

Looking at this topic, I wonder, what if I really got the option to either live forever or raise the dead? Mind you, this dead person has to be someone really close to me.

Let me first explore these two options. If I get to live forever, it could be fun, right? I mean, never aging and never dying? Or would I die and reincarnate? Anyhoo, how would I live? Will I keep the youthful skin and energy or would I shrivel up and live my years as a hunchback woman?

Secondly, just what can I accomplish if I live forever? I know you’re already answering with the “many things” in your head, but my angle is, what is the assurance I’ll ever accomplish those things? I’ve already been depressed for not having and being enough, so why would I put myself through that again? What is the guarantee that I will live this life forever rich and not poor? What is the guarantee that I won’t get comfortable with the knowledge that I won’t die and proceed to neglect myself and my dreams?

Third question. Just how would I explain such a phenomenon to those around me? And can I deal with watching my loved ones die? I remember watching Goblin: The lonely great god. It’s not all rainbows and sunshine being alive for thousands of years. It comes with a certain kind of loneliness and isolation.

”Uhhh, but Deraa, that’s fiction. We are asking you a realistic question”

Bro please. We know that’s never gonna happen and this right here is fiction. Who will give me two pills instead of giving me money?

Anyway, I digress. So now, those are the questions I’ll ask myself. The second option. Raising a loved one from the dead?

This would be a firm no. For quite a number of reasons. First, I have no one like that. My family have lost a couple of people, I’ve lost classmates and childhood friends but that’s about it. As for family, I was not really close to people who died. Call me insensitive but I don’t feel like I lost anything.

Oh well, except my Grandma. Her death did do me in because I really looked forward to knowing my Mother’s best friend. But she’s resting with the Lord now.

As for classmates, I think I’ve only lost one of those and that was after collecting our Junior leaving certificate. Her death came as a shock. It seemed surreal because we just said our byes the previous week. So that was shocking.

I lost only one childhood friend. We were friends for about 3 years. I met her when I was 12 and she died long after I moved houses. I did shed a tear or two because… hell, I don’t know. My heart just ached.

Would I bring any of these people to life? A quick question. Do they even want to come back? What if they’re just fine wherever they are? What if them coming back comes with dreadful consequences? Will life still be the same with their presence?

If all the answers here are positive, I really don’t mind bringing back my Grandma. I don’t like how she died in the first place. I never even got to know her on a deep level. We only talked over the phone and that was it. She came into Nigeria once and I was so freaking shy I could not even lift my head to look at her. I don’t remember what she looks like except what the pictures tell me and I remember the milky white of her skin. Based on her skin alone, she didn’t look Nigerian. Her voice was soft and gentle with the American accent but it still couldn’t bury her thick Nigerian tongue.

It was only ten or so minutes but it felt really good to meet someone my mom spoke so highly of. Someone who they’d talk for hours on end. So yes. I think I’ll take the Blue pill.

Quick question. Since I’m taking the pill, would I have to swallow it? And if I do, does it mean I have to give my life for the other person? If that’s the case, I take it back. I ain’t going nowhere.

All images created using Meta.ai via my prompts

This is my entry to the 26th Day of the August inleo monthly initiative in the Hive Naija Community.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Lol, your last questions were hilarious. If you pick any pill, I'm sure there is always a condition to fulfil which will be told to you hehe

Exactly. If it is more than my power, I'll just walk away


I love those images ❤️ It has a unique definition.

What if they’re just fine wherever they are?

Most necromancy movies i have watched is like waking a dead person means you are desturbing their sleeps.

Her voice was soft and gentle with the American accent but it still couldn’t bury her thick Nigerian tongue.

This sentence is making me love your grandma description.

But i have a question, :) what if i say Longlife is the greatest gift someone can ever have 🤔 what will you say to this ?

I'll disagree with you. Long life is only a gift when it has to end one day (that's just my opinion). Life is way too unpredictable to think you actually have it in the bag for forever...