So Christmas is now a distant memory, the UK is freezing and I’m back at work after a nice break. Looking forward to another holiday already! This is our first review since setting goals last week and as expected I have made a slow start towards this years goals, my HP rewards from writing and curating are staring to drip in from today as I only published my first post of the year last Saturday. SPS rewards are doing a little better but I am hoping to get more games in this coming week.
Token | Start | Current | Movement | Target |
HP | 836.82 | 838.68 | +1.86 | 1500 |
SPS | 34,611.00 | 34,781.88 | +170.88 | 50,000 |
Hive Power
My first mistake in trying to grow my HP was not switching my rewards to 100% HP so my next week rewards will still be split, but going forward I'll be adding it all to my HP balance.
I am trying to get more involved in different communities on Hive and already fallen foul of some missed community guidelines so I have made a conscious effort to read them before posting now. Hopefully I can build some followers for my account over the coming weeks and improve my blogging skills.
Unfortunately a new game, Crownrend, distracted me from playing too much Splinterlands although the xbot kept earning some SPS. I'll be playing more modern this week to try and get back on track and hopefully our guild will finish high in the guild brawls to add to my total.
Penny a day challenge
I have managed to do week 2's transfer so all good so far, i'm using a online savings account for it so will be nice to see interest accruing on it too! It's a great reminder to think about what money I have left at the end of each week and where to put any spare cash.
I have also set up a recurring weekly buy for £25 in BTC, I can only see BTC increasing in the long term and my time horizon is still about 10-15 years of saving before I need to think about using it hopefully.
Saturday Savers Club
Only 2 weeks in but I am already glad that I found the club last year, enjoying reading other peoples journey and moving along this path to savings targets.
See you all next week, until then, keep saving!