It's life, you have to keep moving.

in #hive-10928815 days ago


As the title suggests, we have to keep moving. I have been feeling a little low today for many reasons. My day did not start well and it went on to be ruined for various reasons.

I am usually a very positive person and can't really be influenced or triggered by negativity around myself. However, when there is a lot of negativity and going gets tough, we ought to remind ourselves that it is life and we have to keep going.

There are numerous personal reasons which I think I cannot share with you all at this point. I might share with you in some other blogs. I hope that everything gets better.

This is one really peculiar things about life. Either everything gets better or we get used to the not so better situation. We humans are tough in that regard and adaptation to certain situations is a very productive and handy attribute for us.

I know that some of my readers might as well be going through some trauma because life is not fair always. It always give some trauma to everyone. This is why the tittle of this post is kept in a way to tell you all that it's life, we have to keep going.

I know that life will provide me with better opportunities and I am the type of person who would grab those opportunities with both hands. This is why I would emphasize on this again and again that it's life, we have to keep going. We cannot give up on the things that mean to us a great deal.

Mucha gracias for reading my blog. Take care. I have taken this picture with my iphone XR.



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We certainly can't stop moving. Not now, not ever. Whatever had dampened your positive energy today, I am sorry you had to face that. But like you said, life happens and we shouldn't let that stop us from moving on.

Thank you so much for your kind words ❤️