The role of gratitude in mental well being

in #hive-1092889 days ago


I have been not feeling well. I was sick because Pakistan is going through a heatwave again. Can you imagine being all sweaty at the end of September?

Anyways, I would like to share a thought with you all. It is about how we can improve our mental well being. I am a doctor and I come across numerous patients who have mental health issues and they do not even know about it. This shows how neglected the mental health is.

I would like to add that mental health and well being can be improved in so many ways. One of the major things is gratitude. When we express gratitude for the things that we have, we feel a rush of positive emotions. I have personally experienced it. It leads to joy, enthusiasm and compassion. It also reduces negative emotions like stress and anxiety.

Gratitude is one of the major ingredients in fostering stronger relationships. I did not have a good relationship with my father. I was lost as a teenager and did not recognize the things that my father did for me. I guess we all go through this stage at some point in our lives. However, when I realized it, I came to know that I should be grateful for everything that my father has done for me, from financial support to being there for me emotionally.

I felt a sense of gratitude towards him and when I expressed it, our relationship grew stronger. This eventually added a positive boost to my mental well being. This is why gratitude plays a pivotal role in our mental well being. How often do you feel grateful for the things that you own and have currently? Do not forget to smile today. Take care of yourself both physically and mentally.

Thanks for your making it to the last. I have taken the pictures with my iphone XR in Islamabad yesterday.


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Heat in September. Haha, the weather is not joking. The change in weather has been crazy since a few years.

Speaking on gratitude, I believe it helps foster relationships, too. Appreciating the little things people do for us always goes a long way.

I agree. Thanks for stopping by. And I must say, you have a really beautiful name.

Best regards @drhakam
It's a pleasure to meet you, colleague. Thank you for bringing this wonderful topic to our community and is that our well-being depends on the integral balance of our physical and emotional health. We are body, mind and spirit. As physicians we know that unstable emotions affect the soma, generating psychosomatic pathologies, among many other conditions and imbalances. Gratitude is to be at peace, it is to multiply the positive energy in our being, which will result in experiential growth. Gratitude is kindness made humility, in particular even my most critical moments, I have accepted and assimilated them from the kindness of gratitude, because they have contributed to understand mistakes and to take or reorient the existential path.
On this side of the globe, in America, specifically in my country Venezuela, we are also experiencing strong heat waves, which have affected older adults to a greater extent, increasing the morbidity of angina pectoris and acute myocardial infarction, as well as the increase in hypertensive crises and cerebrovascular events.

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Saludos @drhakam
Es un placer conocerte, colega. Gracias por traer este maravilloso tema a nuestra comunidad y es que nuestro bienestar depende del equilibrio integral de nuestra salud física y emocional. Somos cuerpo, mente y espíritu. Como médicos sabemos que las emociones inestables afectan al soma, generando patologías psicosomáticas, entre muchas otras afecciones y desequilibrios. La gratitud es estar en paz, es multiplicar la energía positiva en nuestro ser, lo que redundará en crecimiento vivencial. La gratitud es bondad hecha humildad, en particular hasta mis momentos más críticos, los he aceptado y asimilado desde la bondad de la gratitud, porque han contribuido a comprender errores y a tomar o reorientar el camino existencial.
De este lado del globo, en América, específicamente en mi país Venezuela, también estamos experimentando fuertes olas de calor, que han afectado en mayor proporción a los adultos mayores, incrementando la morbilidad de angina de pecho y el infarto agudo al miocardio, así como el aumento de las crisis hipertensivas y los eventos cerebrovasculares.
El equipo #ThoughtfulDailyPost te agradece tu atenta contribución a nuestra comunidad. Salud y bienestar para ti y los tuyos.

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I'm so happy to read this through response to my blog. Thank you so much and have a nice day.