New Moon, New Dreams / Nueva Luna, Nuevos Sueños [EN / ES]

in #hive-1092884 months ago

Hello dear friends!

Let's start the week with good vibes! And I just want to write. Without thinking much, letting whatever wanted to come out of your mind. A spontaneous reflection without reflecting too much, a sincere thought without embellishing too much, something that crosses my mind, a curious fact and in the end, a simple daily post that I want to share with all of you.

[Oh, since I have written it in Spanish before, I have left the version below in case someone prefers to read it with other words and the same feeling.]

New Moon, New Dreams - English version [EN] -

And lately it seems like there hasn't been anything particularly relevant, sometimes we get caught up in our routines and the days go by, right? We realize that everything seems the same, that we have stopped getting excited every morning and even dreaming every night. We all have those moments of apathy or boredom in our lives.

But I think that sometimes we don't need big events that convulse us to surprise us, we just realize, in a calm way, that we have left a part of ourselves aside with so many obligations and daily repetitions of tasks.

And I realize, while I read some astrology, I don't know much about the subject but I find it interesting like many other topics, it's good to know a little about everything. I see that it says that on May 8 there is a new moon, in Taurus, it doesn't seem like a big deal after a spectacular season of eclipses that astronomy fans have also enjoyed. But it may perhaps be also curious.

They say that new moons are the beginning of the cycle to culminate in full moons. So start something that day, and Taurus is abundance itself, so it can mean a good time to think about beneficial things, have we stopped having dreams?

Beyond stars and planets, we may have to dream again, and find out what we really want. What do we really want?
It seems like a simple question, many of us will answer the typical things that everyone seems to want, but is there something that you would really like to have or experience?

Let's not be afraid, let's think about our real dreams and desires, with an open heart and confessing to ourselves what it is that would excite us. It can be many things, it doesn't have to be something complicated or impossible, but rather something simple or different in the eyes of everyone.

But we matter and also our soul, which knows well what it wants deep down, we may have to be silent, stop thinking and typing for a moment, to listen to our wise inner self.

Afterwards, it's just thinking about that beautiful thing that we want, I already have it in mind, I think about it, every wonderful photo or video I see on social networks, every song I'm listening to or every word in that book I'm reading now. A dream that lives with me, that accompanies me in my routine and in those somewhat empty or dull moments.

A dream that makes life more interesting and challenging, that gives it a pinch of hope and a shine that may be the reflection of that new moon, full of magic that may help us get started or give us an incredible gift. Sometimes life is like that, simple and magical. Enjoy, dream and live.

Nueva Luna, Nuevos Sueños - Versión española [ES] -

Me apetecía escribir, simplemente. Sin pensar mucho, dejando salir de la mente aquello que quisiera salir. Una reflexión espontánea sin reflexionar mucho, un pensamiento sincero sin adornar demasiado, algo que me pasa por la mente, un hecho curioso y al final, un simple post diario que quiero compartir con todos vosotros.

Y es que últimamente parece que no ha habido nada especialmente relevante, a veces nos imbuimos en nuestras rutinas y los días van pasando, ¿verdad? Nos damos cuenta de que todo parece lo mismo, que hemos dejado de ilusionarnos cada mañana e incluso de soñar cada noche. Todos tenemos esos momentos de apatía o aburrimiento en nuestras vidas.

Pero pienso que a veces no necesitamos de grandes eventos que nos convulsionen para sorprendernos, sólo darnos cuenta, de forma serena que hemos dejado una parte de nosotros de lado con tantas obligaciones y repeticiones diarias de tareas.

Y me doy cuenta, mientras leo algo de astrología, no sé mucho sobre el tema pero me parece interesante como muchos otros temas, está bien conocer un poco de todo. Veo que pone que el día 8 de mayo hay luna nueva, en Tauro, no parece gran cosa después de una temporada espectacular de eclipses que también han disfrutado los aficionados a la astronomía. Pero puede ser quizás curiosa.

Dicen que las lunas nuevas son el inicio del ciclo para su culminación en las lunas llenas. Así que empieza algo ese día, y Tauro es abundancia por sí, así que puede significar un buen momento para pensar en cosas beneficiosas, ¿hemos dejado de tener sueños?

Más allá de estrellas y astros, puede que sí tengamos que volver a soñar, y averiguar que es es lo que realmente deseamos. ¿Qué queremos de verdad?
Parece una pregunta sencilla, muchos contestaremos las típicas cosas que todo el mundo parece desear, pero ¿hay algo que tu realmente te gustaría tener o vivir?

No tengamos miedo, pensemos en nuestros sueños y deseos reales, con el corazón abierto y confesándonos a nosotros qué es eso que nos haría ilusión. Pueden ser muchas cosas, no tiene porque ser algo complicado o imposible, sino algo sencillo o diferente a los ojos de todo el mundo.

Pero importamos nosotros y nuestra alma que bien sabe lo que quiere en el fondo, puede que tengamos que estar en silencio, dejar de pensar y de teclear por un momento, para escuchar a nuestro sabio interior.

Después, es sólo pensar en eso tan bonito que queremos, yo ya lo tengo en mente, pienso en ello, a cada foto o vídeo maravilloso que veo en redes sociales, en cada canción que estoy escuchando o en cada palabra de ese libro que leo. Un sueño que vive conmigo, que me acompaña en mi rutina y en esos momentos algo vacíos o insulsos.

Un sueño que hace la vida más interesante y desafiante, que le da una pizca de ilusión y un brillo que quizás sea el reflejo de esa luna nueva, llena de magia que puede que nos ayude a empezar o nos de un increíble regalo. A veces la vida es así, simple y mágica. Disfruta, sueña y vive.

Thanks for reading! Have an incredible and happy day!

The text is totally mine by ©Duvinca, the banners and lead image have been made by me using and I used a bit Google Translator to refine the text - NO AI -


Recently, I started to think about what I really want because I noticed that I got into a routine and stopped dreaming, and it's like I'm not alive. We have to dream and wish and fantasize because that's how life makes sense.

Exactly, that is what happened to me too, and suddenly I felt empty and bored somehow, so after reading random things 😀 I got my own reflection and I started to have new dreams or renovated ones and trying to feel happy with them while the routine continues... but it's a different feeling.

My best wishes Jelena and have fantastic dreams and a good week 💖🙏😉

Great work


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Me ha gustado mucho esta reflexión. El frenético ritmo de vida actual parece que denosta esa sensación extraña de la costumbre. Qué importante es escucharnos de verdad, en silencio y en quietud. Lo has transmitido con tus palabras. ❤️

Muchas gracias Paloma, a veces vamos como en modo automático y es bueno darse cuenta parar y reflexionar, encontrarnos de nuevo, y para eso ayuda la calma y el silencio como dices 🎉
Muchas gracias y feliz noche ya

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Thanks a lot for the upvote!!! 🙏❤
Happy day!

Que buena reflexión. Todos tenemos esos momentos de apatía en lo que nos embutimos en la rutina y dejamos que los días vayan pasando como si la vida nos pasara por encima, pero tenemos que recordarnos constantemente que la vida es una sola y que hay que vivirla al máximo sin dejar de soñar y sacudirnos la apatía.
Feliz semana, amiga 🤗

Exacto, eso es... a veces nos sumergimos en esa rutina y se nos olvida lo esencial y está bien recordárnoslo de vez en cuando 😉
Y feliz semana a ti también!


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Elevator jokes are the best
They just work on so many levels.

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Did you hear about the cowardly pigeon?
He lacked COO-rage.

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It is true that when the New Month begins, there are many things that we think we will do within the next month, but we have to work hard to do those things.

Yeah it's a good time to start but we have to do our best! Happy day!

Happy day to you too.

I like sky gazing and find looking up at the night sky interesting but other than the basic constellations I'm also not the well versed at it, jaja. I fall into routines and sometimes lose sight that we need to keep striving for better. Changes and dreams are necessary or else I believe we eventually fall into boring or unfulfilled lives. Take care and have great week ahead.


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That's what I intended to share.... that we can feel bored or with unfulfilled lives if we just pay attention to our repetitive routines, so we need something else, and for that it's necessary to think about all this first. Well hope your week is being smooth and nice!


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Oh okay.
I heard about the eclipse and the new moon.
I don't also understand all the science related to the topic.

But the reflection part is what I can really relate to.

Though life comes with a lot and have it's own rhythm that can pull you off balance.

And yes, hope should still be alive.

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I'm not an expert either of those questions but I'm curious and I try to read and listen a bit about all in general, then I take that to my own experience and make my personal reflection that it was what I wanted to share. And sometimes we need to learn how to flow with the surrounding circumstances instead of trying to go against them.

My best wishes during these days dear, happy week!

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